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blayze's Blog

The Butterfly Story

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Might be a nice story to share with your man? 

The Butterfly Story (Found on Quora)

Once a little boy was playing outdoors and found a fascinating caterpillar. He carefully picked it up and took it home to show his mother. He asked his mother if he could keep it, and she said he could if he would take good care of it.

The little boy got a large jar from his mother and put plants to eat, and a stick to climb on, in the jar. Every day he watched the caterpillar and brought it new plants to eat.

Horrible Bosses - IRL

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I need to vent about a work situation and get some advice. I feel so sick right now as I've made this client a priority since it sounded like my dream job at first. Honestly, I feel DUPED, but I can't really play the victim... I DID keep asking God to help me understand why the hell SO continued talking to BPD-BM for so long, (even though his health was failing, he was depressed, etc.) and now, more than ever, I get it. I mean, I knew this woman for years before working there and had no idea she was such a toxic wreck... now I am afraid (FOG) to make a clean break.

Inconsiderate Kids!

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We had another counseling session after a grueling two weeks between sessions. There's a stand-off between us, but I'm coming to the conclusion that BM is not the only problem in step-hell --- teaching children to be CONSIDERATE is the other wild elephant in the room!

Mike and his dog Charley

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About 8 years ago, I started dating a funny, sexy, smart man who had a beautiful 4 year old golden retriever. The guy's name (for the sake of this blog) was Mike, and Mike dressed well, was a good dancer, drove a new Eddie Bauer Explorer, had a stable job in management, and lived less than 10 minutes away from me...and did I mention that he was SEXY?

Fundamental Differences in Perspective

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I know this sounds so petty, but I'm going there.

SO and I have gone to an expensive amusement park for the last couple of years. We take a day off work in the summer, make the 90 minute drive there and try to ride every roller coaster in the place. Pure, clean, adult thrills. Sure, it's an amusement park, which I guess some people think is for kids. But I enjoy escaping reality for a day and having a fun, kid-free time without the aid of alcohol...and even though there are some long lines, we wait and talk and hug and act all in love. We make memories together!

Nuclear families don't work either...just sayin'

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Everybody has a crazy uncle.

...Or a sister.
...Or a cousin.
...Or a MAMA! :O

This may be a tad tongue-in-cheek however, I can't help thinking that I really haven't seen a nuclear family that was totally peachy. One that worked. One where all family members got along and loved each other and no one turned out NUTS.

Could it be that all families are dysfunctional? ...and that those experiences are meant to shape you into the person you are?

Unstable BM strikes again... Help!

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Here's the situation...

On Thurs, May 29, SO gets a call at work - BM crying asking if SO could take the kids for a few days. Why you ask? Because her grandmother is "dying" (the same grandmother who was dying 2 years ago when BM took all of her kids 1000 miles away to say goodbye instead of dealing with the eviction notice from her housing which caused her and the kids to live in a hotel upon their return). BM has five kids by four daddies; none of them thought enough of her to put a ring on it. Three - sometimes four - of the kids are living with her. Two are SO's.

How Do You Express Your Needs to SO Without Demanding?

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I need to get this shit out before I go crazy on my man tonight so PLEASE. HELP. ASAP. Words fly out of my mouth like arrows when I'm fired up...logical, but POINTED and out for blood. We've had some problems (all ex related) so I want to make sure my man knows we're on the same team.

How do you approach BM issues - ones that SHE clearly instigates - without accusing your man, emasculating him, or looking like you're insecure?

If you don't need the background info, skip down to the bold "Anyway, here's my current dilemma."