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BM's new DH being an ass

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DH went to pick up SS7 from his VERY short stay with them (was supposed to be 10 days, reduced to 3).
BM's new DH was there for the first time in almost a year, since he threatened DH in fact.
He made a big show of noting that they bought SS7 Abercrombie kids clothing over the visit ... as if that would make up for the fact that they deliberately decided not to take SS7 to his specialist appt.
THEN he went on to note that SS7 is NOW wearing size 7 clothing ... as if we don't know what size clothing he wears since he lives with us all the time ...

BM refusing to take SS7 to Specialist Apt.

Choosingtolove's picture

BM and I took SS7 to see an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor in October after her doctor recommended he get seen by one.
She wasn't going to take him to that apt. so I had to drive 7 hours round trip to do it myself, so that we didn't miss the apt. At the time she said she didn't have her car as it was in the shop still since she didn't have the money to get it out as her hubby's pay slip was late (he gets paid 3-4 times a year, aprox. $60,000 each time... so how she's out of money at any point in the year is beyond me) ...

ADD meltdown

Choosingtolove's picture

We switched SS7 to new meds. At home he's doing awesome, at school not so much. These new meds take time to work, and he's at the tail end of the first stage of starting them.
Yesterday the teacher mentioned he's exceptionally tired lately about 3 hours after taking the medication. We agreed to try to get him to take the medication in the evening as it's 24hours and see if that fixed the problem. Trouble is to do that you have to move back the dosing time each day until you get to the time you want. So today he went to school and had a 3 hour gap in his medications ...

Honesty from BM

Choosingtolove's picture

BM called last night and as DH had gone to bed she asked SS7 if she could speak to me
I told her how SS7 was doing and told her he's been commenting on how he wants more time with her. She said that she "let's him have his own space" when he's at her house ... which I agree with to a point, but when your 7-year-old is asking for more time with you don't you think you need to DO stuff with him?

What is she thinking?

Choosingtolove's picture

BM has two other children with her new DH.
She is a SAHM and is as footloose and fancy free as one can get when you have small kids.
SS7 is in school, and only has a few weeks off where he can spend extended time with his BM.
Of those five weeks - BM gets 4, or rather we've let her have them so SS7 can spend time with her.
November passed without incident, December she handed him back 2 days early, Feb. break she's handing him back 4.5 days early and in April she's giving him back three days early.

Ready to give up

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SS7 has ADD. That's not a big deal usually, however it means he needs routine.
So our house has routine up the yingyang.
Needless to say he doesn't always like it.

Which is why BM's is the most awesome place in the world.

A place where he can eat whatever he wants (like marshmellows all night instead of the alternating healthy and fun snacks at our house)

A place where he can stay up as late as he wants ... and does (instead of going to bed the same time every night like at our house)

BM moving away?

Choosingtolove's picture

We've had our ups and downs with BM to say the least.
Last night she informed us she might be moving away. Across the entire country away.
I was torn between doing a jig because her style is so different (late bedtime, junk food, non-stop video games) and being further away would mean less influence, and worrying how it would work with SS7.