Cooooookies's Blog
BM2's panties...
DH and I stayed up late last night just chatting and having fun. He must've been in a sharing mood because he revealed a bit more of the BM2 2017 Drama Series.
One of the times she drove down here during the summer, she took SS to the beach with his friend. It lasted all of maybe 3 hours then she drove them back home. Friend stayed the night here so came back with SS and BM2.
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Everything will be so clean. So clean.
SS15 has now resorted to sneaking books well after bed time instead of screens. Which has resulted in him being late for school yesterday morning as he goes back to bed. School starts at 8.40am...the front door didn't slam shut until almost 9am. I have been working second shift plus not my kid, etc. so I don't get up to babysit.
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The seven deadly sins of a stepmother
I jokingly referred to one of the sins of not taking a skid for a haircut. Nothing elicits rage in a GUBM who has to control everything and will never move on like getting little snowflake's hair cut.
So I've come up with the 7 deadly sins of being a SM. Feel free to submit your own list
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Guess who's cleaning my house
...after getting caught, for the millionth time, trying to sneak PS4 time after bed time?
I did tell him about two weeks ago that if I caught him again, his butt would be scrubbing like Cinderella. He laughed...but he won't be this week. I follow through with what I say and he will be one very busy little 'I will do whatever I want' teenager.
I also said I would take the debit card information off of his account. Done. Find a way to pay for your online account now, buddy. He was warned and warned and warned.
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BM2 saga hit it's grand finale and I just found out!
DH just told me this grand little nugget Saturday night. As I've been blogging about, BM2 came to my house several times this year, beating around the bush with DH. Trying to get her talons back into him and asking questions that were none of her business.
BM2 is giving up...for now
Welp, it's official. DH received a text the other day from Voldemort, asking if he remembered the shipping company they used when they originally moved to Cyprus about 14 years ago.
DH, out of sheer curiosity, just HAD to ask:
DH: I have no idea, all I remember is that they were located in WhateverTheNameIs Town. Why do you ask?
BM2: I am having the rest of my stuff and my car shipped from England to Cyprus. There is nothing left for me in England, except for SS15 as I now know that you are happily married to Cookies. I'm not coming back.
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And BM2 is back to telling DH what to do with his Will
Last night DH told me about an email he received from BM2. Again, her little narcissistic brain is working over time trying to figure out how to get money. Her life is all about money.
My FIL is not in the best of health. He has COPD and probably other things wrong but, at the age of 85, he won't go get checked as he's says he's too dang old and just wants to join his wife in Heaven. Fair enough.
BM2 sent DH a novella yesterday
DH received a very long WhatsApp message from BM2 yesterday. She is trying to work things out (for the 37th time) with Mr. Cyprus (read: she can't be alone). IF they can work things out, she'll stay in Cyprus. But, if they can't, she'll fly back here in a week. They had a great talk the other night and he stayed at her place but they didn't have sex. (Why in the hairy mother F did DH need to know this?!) So he has 6 more days to impress her or she's back in England.
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A "friend" wanted to know...
BM2 sent DH an email saying she is mailing a check for money towards SS14's school uniform. I'll believe it when I see it. DH told me that, in the email, BM2 wrote: 'a "friend" of mine would like to know why BM1 is invited to your house for parties and such but I'm not.'
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Pooper is back!!
I should've guessed it. We went to the beach the other day. I brought massive amounts of food because SS usually eats for England because he spends all day in the water and actually gets exercise (gasp).
He barely ate anything and his belly looked massive.
I should have known. Last night I grabbed a few of his whites to put in with my uniform to wash and there they were. His swimming shorts...the white mesh liner was absolutely brown.
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