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doll faced sm's Blog

Seemingly, we've lived to fight another day

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Firstly, if my DH hadn't pulled his head from his rump in a big way, none of this would be happening, now, on to the story.

We made it; we are officially moved in to our new place and living again in NC. Which sucks. Seriously, if this area were any more ghetto, I'm pretty sure the police would just put up a fence around the whole city and call it good.

What makes it worth it to you?

doll faced sm's picture

I read a blog this morning, and thought to myself, "no way, no how. That would be an absolute deal breaker for me." Which got me wondering, a lot of SM's and SD's here put up with an incredible about of BS, what makes it all worth it? Besides love, of course, I'm assuming we all love out spouses and/or SOs, but I don't believe love can conquer all. So what does DH do for you, with you, or whatever, that makes the relationship worth staying in? My hell isn't so bad anymore, and typically only comes in waves, but still, here's mine:

What is a reasonable expectation of communication.

doll faced sm's picture

I blogged earlier about DD's bio-dad having told her she could come stay with him and meet her half-sister and how he then told no one, so DD's SM said she wasn't sure if she could save up the money by then or not.

So, from you guys point of view, what is a reasonable expectation of communication. I ask b/c DH just found out his unit will likely be giving a lot of time off during Spring Break, and I'd kinda like to make plans. Do I just hold my breath until the day before? This whole thing is just so rediculous and upsetting. :sick:

Poor SM

doll faced sm's picture

DD's bio-dad refuses to speak to me. I'm not sure why. Other than establishing paternity and getting an order for CS (in the measly ammt of $38/week), I've never done anything to him. I'm sure he doesn't like me; I get that, but he could at least pretend to be an adult and respond on the very rare occasion that I do contact him.

Don't know how to feel

doll faced sm's picture

I hated my step-dad (my mom's 3rd husband). He died two days ago. He was an abusive, controlling a**hole. He regularly beat my younger brothers until his ALS took his strength from him. So, why do I find myself on the verge of tears every time I think about it?

Spin off

doll faced sm's picture

The toast blog got me reminiscing. Do you remember:

Stepmomfromhell - the super young gold digger with butlers whose uncle married her step daughter.

(sisterwife) - ok, that wasn't her actual username. This chick essentially lived with the bm who continued to act as a wife to the dh/so.

What have been some of your fav. story lines? And yes, I believe some if not most of these stories were fabricated.
