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Any recommendations for proving PAS in court besides having Skid testify?

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The biggest concern is that skid is still having problems at BD house, which according to skid happens all the time, but skids fear is stopping her from telling the truth. Just wondering if anyone else has had a similar issue and how they were able to present findings. Thanks!

Need some advice on how you may have handled this particular situation...

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So i've been having a problem with SD for as long as I can remember when it comes to doing things in the house. No not chores like most kids her age should be doing (lets take it easy and not expect too much) but simple things like turning off the light when you leave your room, not leaving the tv on, turning off the radio/computer when you leave, not leaving the door open when you go out (open as in my 2 year old almost walked out of the house open).

Here we go again...SD is doing a good job of undoing therapy

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So SD has been watching as BM and I are doing well in therapy and not liking it. She sees that BM is not going to let her dictate how we live anymore, calling her out on her lies/bs and actually reinforcing it with punishment (so proud of my wife). So of course SD is really pissed at me because she told her BM "You never did this before you were married to him!" So she has been trying at every turn to try and undermine us by doing what she's been told not to do and now going that extra mile to make it a huge fight.

Update - SD tried to pull one on

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So last week I posted about how I kinda taught SD a lesson about lying by saying I ordered her ice cream but they didn't put it in the bag and when we went back they were closed (hence she didn't get any). Fast forward to today, and SD walks in the house after dinner with a big ice cream cone and says "Hiiiiiiiiii" to everyone as she is licking it and walking through the house.

Some Advice on this please...

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I have this little issue with approaching my wife about the topic of talking about SD on the weekends she's not here. I dont mind a casual conversation honestly, but every weekend she is not here I feel like it's a vacation for me and while I'm sure my wife misses her, I don't really share that feeling so i'm sure that is why she does this, but I really don't feel the need to talk about SD or make plans for SD or shop for SD when she's not here. She dominates most of our time when she is here so I feel like it's a much welcomed break when she's gone.

So I catch SD lying again...

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but since I can't prove that she's lying because I did not witness it I am in the unenviable position of having to do the he said she said dance...I say she did it, she says she didn't...swears up and down to BM that she didn't do it. So what can I do...I say, well I know that it wasn't there before you got there and all of a sudden it's there, but since I didn't see you do it, and you swear you didn't then I guess I have no choice but to believe you.

Want to thank everyone...

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Wife and I have been doing very well in therapy and I am starting to see some progress in DWs abilities to handle SD properly and not fall victim to her guilty parenting. I know it will be a long road but I feel like we are finally on the right path...of course some old habits die hard (yesterday she punished her and she wasn't allowed outside, only to have 10mins of badgering by SD change her mind to let her just on the front wrap around porch) but all in all truly amazing turn around by my wife.

Caught SD lying on the phone again to BD...

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saying such lies about my wife, myself and the kids. Therapy isn't working, trying to show her we believe her and trust her isn't working, giving her the benefit of the doubt isn't working...she literally doesn't know the truth from the lies anymore. I really wish I didn't care about this kid because i'd walk away...but I do care. Any advice would be greatly appreciated because I truly have tried everything and the only thing that seems to scare her is the idea of going to live with her BD full time.
