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halfstepmom2skids's Blog

Tehehe...i took her little shit game away from her...HAHAHA

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Its a glorious night when you put your laptop on a pillow on your lap high enough so it blocks sd's stares and glares...Darn..maybe she'll go play now.
Seriously though, my biggest mistake was telling her to stop glaring at me from the corner of her eye cuz, hello, i can freakin see you and you know its makin me she does what...stares and glares more. I so sick and effin tired of being provoked. Can't even sit in my effin living room in peace without this shit.

Somebody tell me again it's Typical cuz Im gonna effin blow!

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I hope the hell i cry, cuz if i don't im gonna hurt effin hd. SD came home with mudd all over bottom of socks...yep she can do what ever she wants and guess what, Guilty Daddy wont tell her about it cuz she will cry. So i pointed out the socks and he lets her continue through the house, through the carpet, and just say's, make sure you take them off..she says ok like all nicey and shit. Um why the hell would you let her go all through the house and not make her take them off right away.

This is also what you said Stepaside, & I can't thank you enough!

halfstepmom2skids's picture

I copy & pasted it, i want everyone to see because it is so on target.

That's very, very, very typical behavior. Rather than change her, the best thing you can do is to read a few books and see professionals talk about her behavior. Then get your DH to read the books (some, like "Stepmonster" and "The Smart Stepmom" can be read in a day), so that he realizes how typical his kid's behavior is. That way, he can see his kid's behavior for what it really is, rather than continually trying to figure out what you did to deserve it. It's a shift in focus.

"What Bio Moms Wants SP to Hear"

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bahaha..i read a post on the internet, not sure of site, but it said 3 things bio mom wants sm's to know, the first one was "It is nature for us to feel jealous that our child has another mother figure, we want you to know we are their only parent" i stopped reading cuz i didn't know whether to laugh or throw up. Excuse me, but there is nothing natural about jealousy. I have 2 bio boys and i have NEVER felt jealousy when they do things with their dads girlfriends and now fiancee...I mean NEVER.

How does your DH get SD/SS "water works" to stop?

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sd9 walks around the house destroying and stealing whatever she wants when she gets mad cuz she has no fear. DH will try to yell at her but all she has to do is cry and he backs off. When i question him why there are no consequences, the jerk says "oh can't you see she is sorry". What tips/tricks can i give DH that gets the manipulation/crying to stop?

How do you break a silent defiant passive aggressive SD?

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The worse part is the destruction that takes place before sd goes back to BM's. She is nasty Fri through Sunday. There is always a major fight to get her to talk and be "normal" and I usually am the one who gets blamed 4 her being a silent passive aggressive witch cuz she's afraid of me. She aint afraid of me, she hates me cuz BM hates me and is extremely jealous of me. Trying to talk to her makes me feel like a fool cuz she won't answer me, etc. Any ideas on how to get her to not be silent so her dad feels sorry for her and gets mad at me?
