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Indigo's Blog

"Daddy, for Christmas ... I just need a set of new tires for my car."

Indigo's picture

I'm grousing. It's dark outside and I'm sick.

After radio silence since the shrieking, sobbing, lost-in-space phone call, SO spoke to SD-31 who asked for a new set of tires for her car for Christmas. (Western Union) She is back living with BF and still not working but collecting food stamps as 'indigent with 3 minor children.' (SGKids live in our state with their biodads.)

Behavioral contract in the house? Anyone?

Indigo's picture

Discussing the option of a 'behavioral contract' in the house for SGD-13. Has anyone tried the "sit-down-delineate-agree-sign" behavior contract in the home situation? How did it work?

Edit: SGD=13 raised by SO/late wife til age 8. Still has visitation over the weekends currently Friday afternoon to Saturday afternoon. Longer on holidays. Current issues: no sense of boundaries/personal space. Still running with the "what's mine, is mine .. what's yours is mine ... what I see, is mine ... " theory of mind.

Lame Update: normal life

Indigo's picture

AWOL SD-31 has surfaced. The same day that SO and I were discussing a "missing persons" report.

SD-31 called SO hysterically sobbing, virtually incoherent. She woke up in her car with no idea where she was, AND her car was not running right. SO says she kept asking him to help her even though we are a state away. So, while I researched mental health/drug-alcohol inpatient facilities in NM, SO called her bio-mom since SD has been in contact with her & bio-mom lives in the same city (surrendered rights to SD @ 10 and SO/late wife adopted out of system).

Suggestions: MIA SD-30 & SO thinks she died ...

Indigo's picture

SD-30 has not been responding to text or calls for the last month or so. She is in a different state. She had a car, but no job. SO sent her $ to get her phone turned on and so that she could eat since she had been living in her car.

SO spoke to her at a new number the next day & she reportedly was now crashing with a friend. The new number has no voice mail set up. All calls from her children (SGD-13, SGS's 8 & 10) are not answered or returned. Text that SGD-13 was in crisis, 72-hour hold etc was not answered.

Hey Lintini ...

Indigo's picture

I know that you're on bed-rest, but I saw an article in the news today and thought of you.

Did you see the article where the African Grey parrot is suspected of holding a clue on the murder of his owner? "Don't F*ing Shoot" Parrot is reported to say on video after the death of the man. Possible murder/suicide gone awry, but I thought the discussion regarding whether a Grey's verbalization could/would be admissible in court to be interesting.
