Jsmom's Blog
So angry now...Why won't that woman just go away? LONG RANT
I really can't seem to let go what happened over Christmas with SD17 ruining our vacation. DH has stopped communicating with her, but honestly, I know that is what she wants. Then she never has to have any fall out from her behavior. Again and again. She screws up and there is no ramifications. Well now, she is on Twitter how about her life is perfect in one post and in the other bragging about going to Albuquerque on vacation where all my IL's are. So she gets another vacation there and no one says a word about what she has done to us. Because DH has not told them.
Talk about stupid luck....SD is a damn train wreck
So I haven't given an update on SD17 and our fiasco over the holiday vacation because honestly, I can not discuss it without wanting to kill something. I just picked up my SS15 to take him to the ortho and who almost hits me flying into the HS parking lot, my SD17 who apparently is skipping first and 2nd period. Well I flip around to try and confront her and ask why she is coming to school late and she had seen me and rushed to get into school. But, I saw her and she glared at me before going in the door.
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Snapchat and it's evil twin, VINE....Get rid of them!
As I mentioned in my last blog, my SD17 never stops snapchatting, so on the trip, I started researching it. Holy fricking cow! It is worse than it just being hacked last week. Keep in mind, in my industry I have access to information on companies that the average layman can't get. It was invested in an angel round of investing last year by a Venture Cap firm (VC). I work with PE firms, so I understand how these work. The VC firm, owns another company that is a data mining company. They bought into Snapchat to get that data.
Christmas vacation with estranged SD....SUCKED!
Well, you may recall we had planned our annual vacation with the kids over Christmas. NY and Boston this year. SD originally was supposed to go and then she got mad at her dad and put some stuff online and we said she had to apologize. Long story, read previous blogs. The afternoon before we left, she decided to apologize to her dad so she could go. I yelled at her for blowing him off and said fine she could go, but we were expecting her to be courteous and kind on the trip to the boys and no whining.
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Family Christmas Card...
I just really want a year where I don't feel guilty looking at the family Christmas card. When SD went to live with BM, that year I didn't do a card. The next year is was a store bought card. The last two years, I took pictures from our vacations and did a nice card. I used to do a family letter for years when it was my BS and I. I started it because after my husband died, I wanted everyone to know I was ok. Well, when she left, there was such a black cloud, I couldn't figure out what to write. So that stopped.
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Update on visit to SD17 therapist....
Yes - she is bipolar...They went over everything and agreed to add another med to work with the anti-depressant. DH feels better but, I don't. No plan other than to add another med. DH left after the apt and BM went back for another session, this time with SD. They decided not to tell SD that DH is involved in this now. I disagree. I think she should know. She is hiding stuff from everyone. The person she sees is a Psychiatric nurse practitioner and she works with the Psychatrist who won't see her until she is 18.
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Update on SD17 trying to be a member of the family again....LONG
Well, it is back to drama again with SD17. After letting her back into family dinners and coming over when she wants, she didn't like what came with that...Actual parenting by DH. She had some inappropriate conversations in front of us and SS15 about drugs and alcohol testing. Dh asked her not to do that. She left crying that he was picking on her. Fast forward the next night and she texted that she was coming for dinner and never showed. We stayed home and waited for her.
It all comes back eventually...And Karma for BM
I haven't posted in awhile, been reading and commenting but no blogs for me. I wanted to wait and see how all of this played out with SD17. A lot has happened the last month. We have started having her over for dinner and going out for dinner with my BS18 and SS15. It went well. She is having a very hard time. Originally I didn't want her back in our lives, but DH was getting desperate with worry about her.
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When you disengage, they start to keep secrets from you....Unbelievable!
A year ago I agreed with DH to no longer discuss SD17 in the house with him...All it was doing was upsetting me and causing a fight. So we went to just let me know you are meeting with her via email. I am aware and he can't see my reaction and get mad at me. This worked well.
Not sure how I feel about this...SD17 coming for dinner...
As most of you know, my SD17 sued us when she turned 14 to live with BM. Quick re-cap, we gave up custody and my SS15 sued his mom to live with us. Now, we have him and BM has her. SD17 has not been in this house in almost over three years. She destroyed my new marriage and basically left me with PTSD over the whole situation. Not to mention the money we spent on lawyers...