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justmakingthebest's Blog

Court date finally set

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We go back to court on March 31st. SS is supposed to be with us the 20-28th. 

Any bets on if he shows? He hasn't spoken to DH since he left for Christmas. I am torn on him showing with court a few days later. 

I am sure that DH will think that we are going to have to play over the top "fun" so there is nothing negative that can be reported back in any way, shape or form. 

I am trying!!! I really am...

justmakingthebest's picture

DH has been trying to get BM to respond for spring break flights for about a week. Of course she won't, so I suggested he go with the "I am buying the tickets tonight by 8pm, if you have any conflicts please let me know before then. Otherwise I will take your nonresponse as consent." line that we use.

This was her response:


justmakingthebest's picture

Interesting news from our tax advisor (my mom- lol)

Apparently the stimulus checks that have gone out in 2020 were based on 2020 taxes (what we are filing this year). So, we have an additional credit for my SS that BM has already received. 

She said nothing is guaranteed right now but it appears that we might get that money in our return and BM will have to repay it since we get to claim him this year.

Kind of SM related- Disability and benefits

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Thank you for those who commented on my last post about SS20 being disabled, but not enough for the help we really need.

I do think that I am going to suggest that we get a lawyer for SS. His therapist, DARS counselor and Dr. all agree she should be on disability, it is just getting through the red tape and something that I don't have the time or patience to deal with right now. 

Disabled, but not enough

justmakingthebest's picture

The last couple of days have been pretty frustrating. I have made calls to SSstb21's therapist and DARS counselor. Both of them say that we are in the land of no help. While SS is disabled and not able to live on his own (neither think that he is even close to being ready to live on his own with a roommate), he isn't disabled enough for any services that would help with a group home. 

Losing my mind with SS20

justmakingthebest's picture

Quick Backstory: SS20 has Autism, ADHD and Anxiety disorder. He is considered high functioning but not enough to live on his own. BM has never been in the picture other than to pop up 1-2 a year with some random texts. BM has 7 other kids (all younger) custody of none. In and out of jail, drug and alcohol problems. 

BM is getting away with it... I just know it.

justmakingthebest's picture

I called the city attorney today and this is how it went:

She said that she is still waiting on more information before she decides if she will charge BM. I asked if there was anything that we could do or push for- She said no. I asked if she would like to speak with DH and our attorney for clarification on the history and she said no, it has no bearing on this case.


Then she said:

“You guys have a lot going on independent of this. I wouldn’t concern yourself with what is happening here. Have a good day. Good bye.”


8 years ago today

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8 years ago today I was thrown up against the wall, held by my throat and told that he would make sure I never saw my kids again. This happened in front of my daughter (5 yrs old) who was standing on the stairs right behind the monster I married. 

8 years ago today I took out a restraining order and had the police escort him and his kid out of our house. I pawned my wedding ring and hired movers to come the following day. I found an apartment paid my deposit and was gone all within 24hrs with my 2 bio kids in tow.

Letter to school sent

justmakingthebest's picture

Our attorney wrote us back and said to leave the letter "as is" and send it. He said he is curious to see what happens and how they respond. If we don't get anything back from them within a week, he will follow up with the school to make sure that DH's concerns were addressed. 

We sent it yesterday via email and sent the original in the mail. We haven't heard a peep- so I am anxiously waiting to see what will happen now. 


