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Last-Wife's Blog

Still laughing! What an idiot!

Last-Wife's picture

I get a call from Loca last night. She left a voicemail that she had been missing the boys, so decided to attend their bball game, and had looked it up on line. "I've been sitting in the parking lot for 15 minutes and no one is here! The game starts in 10 minutes! Where is everybody?" she whines in the phone...

I just laughed. And then ignored her call.

She didn't even bother to see the game wasn't at home, drove an hour to get here, when the game was actually in a town she would have passed 20 minutes before getting here! CLASSIC Loca!

OT- PMS? Advice please

Last-Wife's picture

I am going to be 39 in March, and for the first time in my life, I am suffering from PMS!

This past fall, I have had horrible pre-period symptoms- tender breasts, terrible acne, insane food cravings, murderous mood swings. My December cycle was the worst ever, and this January one is about to kill me- or I'll kill someone else. I ache all over, i can't sleep but I am exhausted, I can't keep a coherent thought, I cry about everything,killer migraines and I am so angry about the stupidest shit.

What the hell is going on? Does it get bad before starting menopause?

More on picures, Crazy BMs and skids

Last-Wife's picture

Someone else recently posted about pictures, and how the BM cut them up- even ones with the skids- before giving them to the father... During the divorce, some 16 years ago, Loca BURNED all of the skids' baby photos, baby clothes, toys, etc. Anything she could ruin to get even with Loghead...

Who did she really hurt?

Thank you Steptalk Family

Last-Wife's picture

Everyone's kind words about my holiday card issue (posted yesterday) made me feel so much better! I have done Valentine's Cards before, or just included pictures in the kids' thank you notes. I LOVE the idea of Halloween cards with me dressed as a witch and everyone else as devils! HA-HA.

Thank you for helping me to feel better and realize I was not "wrong" in any way, and that it was actually tacky of my in-laws to comment on my New Year's Cards.

Family Holiday Card issue of another sort

Last-Wife's picture

I sent out "Happy New Year!" cards with our family pictures on it- skids included; no questions about that- I have been their SM for 14 years- they are my kids. This card included a wonderful family photo from Thanksgiving Day of all 6 of us, a picture of the 4 kids, and a picture of me and Loghead. Great color pictures, family monogram, nice message of the front "From the ***** Family." On the back of the one sheet card, a nice holiday message wishing peace and joy in the new year, and all of our names...

Best FREE Christmas present from SS17

Last-Wife's picture

On Christmas Eve, we were all getting ready to sit down for Christmas dinner. Lazy Boye 17 looked over and shouted out, "Mom, have you lost weight! You look GOOD!"

I just laughed and thanked him for being observant. "Yes, son, I lost 25 pounds from june to september. Thanks for noticing!"

We all had a good laugh, and it felt really good for the skids to notice.

(Especially knowing they would see their mother the next day, and I think she gained my 25 + maybe about 25 more in the last year!)

UGH! Snowed in- SD 20 driving me a little crazy

Last-Wife's picture

Right now, as much as I love her, and as good as our relationship has become, Princess 20 is pissing me off right now! She spent the weekend with her aunt, and came home in a really bad mood. I know she's been home from college for a few weeks now, and is starting to get stir crazy, and she's home for 2 more weeks. Today she has done nothing but pick on me all day, raising her voice and then getting mad that I am "yelling" at her. She's sitting on my bed while I'm trying to get work done, looking at our old family scrapbooks, commenting on everything.

"Who are you spending Christmas with?"- a happy skid story for the holidays

Last-Wife's picture

Other Son (the boys' friend who is living with us now) asked Princess 20 this question yesterday. She said she would be with us and would go to my parents on Christmas Day and would see her "biological mother" on the 26th. Who? he asked; I don't think he really heard what she said...

My house is a disaster, and I'm okay with it...

Last-Wife's picture

A couple of weeks ago, I threw in the towel. Why should I bust my ass all day at work to come home and clean up after loghead and SS, just to cook dinner and clean again, so they can snack at 10 pm and leave the messes for when I wake up at 5:30 am?

I quit. I got some boxes and put a name on each. If I find crap around the house and it bugs me, I throw it in the box. The pile around the boxes is now so high, i don't see how anyone finds anything!
