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Last-Wife's Blog

BM says her New Year's Resolution is to "Give Up"

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She called this morning to say she was giving up. She says if the kids don't want to come see her anymore, then she is done. She doesn't want to fight with them any more.

Only SS14 went for the court appointed time with her. She was okay with it and understood SS15 had basketball practices and a tournament and SD17 had to work.

At one point, we had even tried to reschedule our holiday so she could see them on our time instead. She appreciated the offer, but had other plans.

How do you know when it's time to walk away?

Last-Wife's picture

Maybe just be asking that question, I already know the answer.

I married my DH when I was just 24, 11 years ago. I became wife and mother in the same day- the skids were 3,4, and 6 at the time. We have primary custody and I have been there for it all- dance recitals, sick days, endless basketball games, vacations, holidays, birthdays, car accidents, the list goes on.

I've even managed to befriend the ex. I knew it was best if we could get along for the kids.

She must be on drugs...

Last-Wife's picture

I had to talk to the BM at least 10 times today. We have primary custody, and today was the first time all summer she was going to have all three kids at the same time. She and her hubby and the kids are going on a camping trip and visiting Civil War battle sites in southern Missouri. (The kids are so excited, they can hardly contain themselves! NOT)

Advice? Suggestions?

Last-Wife's picture

Does anyone out there have a kid/skid with Reactive Attachment Disorder?

After some MAJOR computer investigations in the last two days, I am beginning to think that may be the issue with SS15. DH and BM seperated when he was just over a year old, and SS has a brother that is only 13 months younger than he is, so he kinda got left out... I became "mom" when SS was 3. He never wanted to visit BM when he was little, and refuses to go now. And he loves to take his anger out at me, as the female figure in the house.

Any advice or suggestions with how to deal with him?

Sit down with DH and SS

Last-Wife's picture

SS15 spent the day with his dad's sister, since DH had him leave Sunday night. DH called around 5 to say he was going to be late tonight, since he needed to go see SS. Imagine my surprise when DH and SS came home around 8:30. I wasn't expecting to see SS for several more days, since he leaves for BMs tomorrow.

What a great morning!

Last-Wife's picture

I slept on the couch last night. DH and I have been arguing about the skids lately. We had a major blow out with SS15 on Sunday, and DH has refused to talk to me about it. Last night, he promised our son, newly turned 8!, they would play Legos, but SS15 called and needed DH, so DH took off without telling me.

SS15 is staying with friends for a few days while we work some things out regarding his blow up. Seems kinda like a reward, but heh, he's not in my house right now.

But we can't work it out if DH wont' talk.


Last-Wife's picture

Once again, my DH has stormed out of the house because I spoke the TRUTH.

We've had a semin- normal summer as fare as our visitation with bio-mom goes. In the last few years that the kids have been older, and my husband went from 9 month teaching to a year round teaching position, bio-mom and I have worked together to create schedules that work for us and the kids.

New member, old mom...

Last-Wife's picture

I've stepmommed for awhile. That's why I'm tired.

My DH and I have been married for 10 years. On the day we married, I became- at the age of 24- a mother to a 6 year old girl, and two boys, ages 4 and 3. Seven years ago, we added our own. Which was a total surprise because I had been told I couldn't have kids. When the doctor said, "It isn't the flu..." I nearly threw up on her!
