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LimaPapa's picture

Little back history about my current situation.  My Bf's wife passed 7 years ago and we have dated for 1.5 years now. I'm the second gf after wife passed. There are 3 kids in the picture ages 19, 23 and 29. The 2 youngest still live at home.  I have been a SM before to SD's so I know how difficult they can be to bond with or to at lest get along with. This is different as there was a BM in the picture before. Also I want to preface by saying BF is a great guy.  I'm crazy about him and want to make this work no matter what. 

I've posted once before about moving in with BF.  The topic is coming up more and more and I want to take that next step, but I'm really worried as I believe I'm entering into a miniwife situation. I like the youngest girl (23) she's a good kid over all, but still lives at home and makes a lot of the household decisions. For example, BF will ask her,  "what should we have for dinner (I do most of the cooking when I'm there), where should I hang this painting," and my favorite "we need to get one of these cabinets for OUR kitchen," etc.  It irks me to even type that last one. 

It's not my house I get it, and I have no right to make decisions, but I'm asking myself if we live together (while the kids are still there) will that change?   I'm really leaning toward 'no.'  Also, she is very hard to please and rarely just happy.  She is seemingly always in a bad mood and down on everything in general. I'm not that way....I'm very easy going and I need very little materialistic things to make me happy. So when she pouts bc bf doesn't spend $1000 on a new tv right away it annoys the shit outta me. I want badly to tell her to buy one herself if it's that easy. 

For some unknown reason it irritates me that he doesn't ask my opinion about small things like that if she's in the room.  If she's not home we make decisions among ourselves, and all is fine.  

So I guess this blog is asking why does this behavior irritate me (that her opinion is so important.) How do I fix my irritation? I know I should just stay out of it and ignore, but it gets under my skin. I also think waiting until the kids are all out is the best idea before we live together.  Thoughts? 


moving_on_again's picture

Wait until the kids move out. At least the mini-wife. The other one might be fine. What's her exit strategy? I just don't get these kids that want to still live with their parents after graduating. I don't know any kids like that around where I live. 

LimaPapa's picture

The late launching is mostly his fault.  He encourages them to stay.  He's a caring and good dad, but a major enabler. He handles everything for them including oil changes and such. I think he's worried he won't see them as much, and he tries to keep everyone together. 

thinkthrice's picture

waving in your face!!    "Doesn't want the KIDS to be upset"  They are 19, 23 and up; not kids. . .Young ADULTS.  He is infantalizing them and this will not stop.  There are posters on this forum that have skids who are 30, 40, 50 and up that are still milking away at daaaddddeeeeee's male udders.

I would about face knowing what I know now.  Chef was the "love of my life" that would disprove all my misgivings about men in general. . . .HA!! Turns out the skids made him worse than any ex husband I ever had COMBINED.

ntm's picture

Moving in together will be in Not a Shrine to the Deceased Mom. It will be into a house that will become a home for the TWO of you. 

SD23 needs a boost out of the nest. 

LimaPapa's picture

There are no photos of us, but a lot of them together still. He did take most of them down, but doesn't want the kids to be upset. I get it in a way, but I also think they should understand he's moving on.  My mom passed away 2 years ago, she was my BFF and I miss her everyday, but I also want my dad to be happy.  If that means having a companion then I'm for it, not that my opinion matters anyway.

thinkthrice's picture

Shame on you,

Fool me Twice--Shame on me.

Knowing there's a mini wife in the picture of ANY age, there's no way I'd get with this guy no matter HOW wonderful he is.

Friends don't let Friends be StepMOMS.

LimaPapa's picture

No,,,but mainly because it didn't bother me to this extent until this weekend.  I'm wondering if any of this is just me needing to chill the EFF out

hereiam's picture

I think it's a valid concern, especially if you are thinking about moving in together.

Personally, I would not move in with him while kids are still living with him. And then, the two of you should get your own place together, otherwise, his kids will still consider that "their" home, to come and go as they please.

StepMamaBear6's picture

I would move into a NEW house with BF.  Then the house is both of yours and not just HIS and the kids.

TrueNorth77's picture

Definitely not just you. I would go with your plan to not move in until his daughter moves out, and let him know of that plan. It's time for her to move though...he isn't helping her by letting her stay, and playing house with your 23yr old daughter is not exactly a healthy situation. You both seem to be of an age where you should be able to enjoy having the house alone together! I would tell him that you would like to move in together, but not while SD is there. That should get him thinking about what he's going to do- then, as everyone else said, present the option of moving to a new place together as a fresh start, minus SD.

Harry's picture

are always going to feel like an outsider in that house.  This is the way we have Thankgiving, Christmas, New Years, ect.ect.  This goes there, that goes over there ect.  Need orange sheets for Halloween,   You have to get a new house, and new way of doing things.  The kids are not going to like change, so you are going to have to put your foot down.  If SO want to live in the emotional past, he’s is not for you 

LimaPapa's picture

I totally relate to this already. There are a lot of traditions I think are silly for kids this age but I still participate. Like you said decorations of 'moms" go here. The deceased mom's mother was invited for xmas to meet me, which probably meant to 'approve of me.'  And quite frankly it wasn't all that fun for me looking back. Each kid still hangs ornaments on the tree, and each kid still has a stocking (way too old for that IMO) Not that I want to change up all their family traditions, but it would be nice if we converged some traditions.  You're right, only starting from scratch would solve that. 

Siemprematahari's picture

Keep your apartment and really consider what a future with him will be like if he's enabling and catering his adult children like this.....if you think its bad now wait to see how it will be if you were to ever live with him. Its going to be a battle of who's Queen and you may lose the fight if he's not backing  you up.

ndc's picture

I don't think this is you needing to chill out.  I would not want to move into a home with another adult woman.  I don't think I'd be willing to move in until she was launched.  I would just not be comfortable with his adult daughter living under the same roof.

What does she do?  Is she graduated from college already?  Has she started her career, or does she at least have a job?  Does she do the housework for him?  I'm curious what the arrangements are between your BF and his adult kids.


LimaPapa's picture

Just graduated college and just got a job.  His idea is for them to save money for thier own homes and such for a year or so after college.  I get that, BUT he also pays thier tuition, car pmts/insurance, phones, etc.  He pays for everything so any money they have is for them to use however. And no...she barely keeps her room clean.  Neither of the two at home help at all with chores and daily stuff.

hereiam's picture

Ugh, just looked at your other blog about your BF and his kids, seems they are rather co-dependent. Your BF is probably going to need some incentive to clear the nest and he will have none if you concede and move in while any of his kids still live there.

Also, it sounds like he would for sure allow them to come and go as they please, being that that is THEIR home. Don't move into that house, ever.

Fluff's picture

themselves.  The family home is the one they grew up in - they didn't pay the mortgage or bills - it is their home but not their house.  I had this with my partner.  We sold the 'family' home and bought our home - her adult children now have their own homes and we all know the difference.  I just wish i hadn't moved into the 'family' home years ago and suffered all tha BS.  If you have a choice - don't make that one.

LimaPapa's picture

This is kind of a bummer too...I suggested another couples only vacation again next year and he said "I'd like to find a place we can take the kids too." They go a lot of places through the summer: cruises, road trips to the ocean, mexico just to name a few this summer.   But his daughter complained that they weren't invited on our couples trip  'for a family trip' and I did tell her it was $2000. each and she would be more than welcome if she could come up with $2000 of her own. I just think with all the money he spends on her (her entire way is paid right now) I shouldn't be made to feel guilty for having a week with my bf on vacation. 

bananaseedo's picture

Yikes, now that definately is a giant red flag 'the kids' - 19 and 23 and he wants to tag them along?  Something is wrong w/this guy.


Merry's picture

Way too many red flags. You do NOT need to just chill the f out -- this is your spidey sense talking to you and you need to listen.

Do not move into the marital home--get a new place, a "your" place. Know the launch plan for the young adults--and this includes not only physically living on their own, but also financially on their own.

My SD lives 800 miles away and she still tells her Dad that she thinks we should do xyz when he and I have decided on abc. I don't really care that she has an opinion about what color we paint the bathroom, but I do care that my DH discards what he and I decided in favor of what SD thinks should happen. Child worship, especially when the "children" are adults, is so unattractive. I have said those exact words to my DH, who was SHOCKED that I thought he was chasing after and worshiping his kids. I asked him to describe what he was doing in different terms, and he really couldn't.

That your DH doesn't want them to live their own independent, happy lives "yet" is really troubling. THey learn NOTHING about real life while they are living at home with daddy taking care of all the bills. They'll be 30 years old and not be able to figure out how to do a monthly budget, pay bills, and buy groceries. He is crippling them.

LimaPapa's picture

You took my exact thoughts out of my head and put to paper. We’ve actually had this discussion because he thinks I’m hard on my son for giving him a ‘time’s up’ so to speak. I’ve told my son over and over if he’s not in school - he needs to be working and finding his own place. 

So weird coming from gen-x. My friends and I all moved out as soon as we were legally able. I didn’t want to depend on my parents because I had to follow their rules.   

Your scenario with bathroom paint happened to me a couple weekends ago. We were sunglasses shopping and she hated the pair he picked and despite me saying ‘they look good on you.’ He went with the pair she picked - small thing but aggravating 

TX2step's picture

A man that has raised his children, and now has a female companion. A real live woman. He would put you first. Do not move into this situation. His grown adult women children come first. Wait until the little girls are out on their own. Make it a step into a mutual living arrangement away from the family home, a new start. Keep your place and your sanity until then, not to mention your freedom, like I said, you are a real live woman. I would make myself less available to him. Let him imagine you moving on with some one that can offer you the type of life you want. Good medicine. He has some decisions to make about how he wants to live in his later years, a partner or chasing after his grown women children.

notarelative's picture

I would not recommend you moving into the house, where his adult children live, he shared with first wife. Its too emotionally loaded. New place for just the two of you if this is to have a chance of working out.

He's putting out lots of money for his adult kids on a monthly basis. You and he need a frank discussion about money. How are expenses going to be shared? Equally? Percentage by income? What's joint and what's separate? Don't let your love if him blind you to the realities of a shared life.

Areyou's picture

Be straight with him. Tell him you won’t move in together until SD launches. Tell him you don’t feel comfortable living with an adult child.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Wow. There's A LOT of red flags flapping in the breeze with this man. 

Until and unless he can create a life that is free of enabling and catering to adult kids, he's not really relationship material. You can't build a future with someone who is already emotionally and financially entwined with someone else. And you shouldn't even try to build a future with someone who is willing to allocate a chunk of net income to supporting other adults. 

This is the honeymoon period of your relationship with this man, and he already wants to bring his adult babies on vacation with you. That right there tells you there are unhealthy levels of attachment between them. A normal man would be looking forward to hot monkey sex; this guy is all about having his cake and eating it too. 

We see stories like yours pretty regularly on this board. Parents who in the aftermath of divorce or death of a spouse become emotionally enmeshed with their kids. Your man is not ready to be a partner to anyone. He needs therapy to help him untangle his twisted relationships with his kids and get himself together so he can hold up his end of an adult romantic relationship. Please don't allow yourself to be sucked any further into his dysfunction.

CLove's picture

I couldnt agree more. It seems many times that the children fill that loneliness void for the parents - and are asked to help make decisions and then it just sticks. New partner rolls into an established household where the children are enabled to be disabled, and the established order is changed - no wants THIS, except the new partner, who doesnt really understand what is going on. Wanting to go on vacation with "kids" that old really tells me that he needs to go to therapy and realise that this is NOT a healthy thing! I reccomend that you back WAY off until your SO deals with this messed up situation and the kids launch.

Maria10's picture

She is 23 yo. At 23 I was on my own payimg for my own things NOT at home with daddeeee asking for things I want RIGHT Now(read actimg lile a 5 yo). If my dad ever caught me acting that way to anyone he would at least tell me what acceptable behavior was not encourage/ coax out the behavior.

You do have a miniwife situation on your hands. Pay attention and keep as much of your independence as possible.

marblefawn's picture

Don't think about how great this guy is, think about how the whole package is because that's what you'd be moving into.

You said the notion of moving in together comes up more often. But has it come up with his kids? I bet a lot of money I don't even have that they will not want you there. I wouldn't be surprised if it just stops coming up someday because he raised the idea to his kids and they said "NO."

Then again, maybe they're like my SD. When he brings up you moving in there, they'll say "yes" to him because any other answer would be too transparent -- it will make them look bad if they resisted. And, after all, why should they resist what he wants? He's paying all their bills, he's their daddy, he's treating them like his harem. HE'S not their problem. YOU will be their problem. So when you move in there, they will be total shits to you. They will make you miserable. They will exclude you, overrule you, crowd you, ask him to do things without you. Soon, you'll resent him, lose respect for him, and you sure as hell won't want to have sex with him because he's already got two or three girlfriends (his kids). You won't be up for that kind of competition...

...because the competition isn't fair. You can't compete with them because they already have a clique you'll never be part of. They never criticize him (why would they criticize their sugar daddy?) and he never criticizes them. As soon as you suggest you two do something without his kids, you'll be the bitch who wants to banish his little girls! When you suggest they aren't treating you nicely, you'll be criticizing his babies! He will turn on you and defend them with his life, but he won't do that for you because he is not enmeshed with you the way he is with them. They are his blood. You are just a live-in who can be changed out anytime for someone who loves his girls the way he does!

Now, I could be all wrong. But I bet I'm not.

So I really want you to imagine how stuck you would feel living there if those girls hated you and it became a scene from Mean Girls. I want you to imagine the nastiest, bitchiest mean girl from high school and how lousy she made you feel. Now imagine living with that 24/7. Imagine the guy who wooed you and sent you flowers and wined and dined you is suddenly defending abhorrent mean girl behavior and no matter how obviously bad his girls treat you, he defends them and says you're misreading the situation, you're the one who has to try harder, you're the one causing all the chaos because YOU'RE JEALOUS OF THEM.

Right now, his girls are golden. All's peaceful in their little house. You'll move in and suddenly someone is telling him his girls are unfriendly (at first), then snotty, then downright belligerant, then awful, lazy, devisive, mean-spirited...blah, blah, blah. How will that look to him? After all, there was peace and perfect children before you got there and started demanding they talk to you, clean up after themselves, give you some alone time with your BF...

See what I mean? You can't compete. And even when they don't live there, ditto on everything above.


LimaPapa's picture

You are absolutely right, ive been through this before in step hell.

I’ve had a taste of the mean girl syndrome. I feel like I’m invading space some weekends when I visit. So I totally get where you’re coming from. 

Also id have to sell my house and find a new job if I moved in with him because his daughter said ‘I won’t visit you if you move up there with her.’  She uses that a lot to get her way.

I really love my job I’ve been there 10 years and I’m financially independent. I’m not sure I could start from the bottom again. 

There is way too much involved now that I’m back to reality and remembering some stuff that’s been said along the way. 

hereiam's picture

It doesn't really sound like them moving out will even make a difference. I think they will always be in the forefront of his mind, weighing in on every decision he makes, whether they vocalize it or not. They will be invited on vacations, and over for dinner whenever they want. Anything you plan, he will be thinking about how to include them.They really do come first and probably always will.

No way in hell would I quit my job to move to where he and his kids are.

You have been able to observe the family dynamic. Believe that this is how it's going to be...always.


disrestep's picture

Mini-wife's - Oh the hell they will bring. Trust me, I've been through this. 

Advice:   Don't sell your home and give up a good job with financial independence. What if your relationship doesn't work out? If he really wants to be with you, he will want to move in with you at some point, most likely in your own home, if you let him know that you will no way move into the "family home" 

if you move into the family home, it will be hell for you, believe me. See how it is now? Mini-wife's controlling the house and daddy paying for everything they do and want. Ugh! Them coming and going and disrespecting you as they get older and can't stand to share daddy with anyone. Oh, wait until he buys you something, mini-wife will have a hissy fit. Mine did. She had a fit when daddy bought me a holiday present. This is an adult too....early 30's. What if you want to put up your pictures or rearrange the furniture? Oh, the horror. It is her house and you won't be allowed.

One of the best decisions I ever made was TO NEVER SELL  MY HOME AND NEVER MOVE INTO DH's and late wife's family home. Why? Read on.

When we were at a point you and your BF are, his adult daughter ran his house, even though she lived a few hours away. Shepaid DH's bills, ran his checking account, did his laundry, used his house as a hotel and shack up stop, took whatever she wanted, andbelieved everything was hers even though she paid for nothing. His adult son lived there part time. He took whatever he wanted and never returned anything, barged in on us all the time, went through DH's mail, etc. The adult steps had kept their original bedrooms filled with old furniture, clothes all over the place, junk on the floor for years. They made it even worse when DH and I were serious about our relationship. They refused to get rid of anything. They didn't want me to move in there and I definitely did not want to. It would of also made my commute to work longer and I was happy where I lived. I worked hard for my home and wasn't going to sell it to move in with anyone, no matter how much in love I may be.

long story short, DH asked me to move in many times. I said No Way. After a short time, DH realized I wasn't going to move in with him, he decided he wanted to move in with me and get rid of his home.

 and when my BF at the time put out pictures of us, adult skids would hide those pictures and mini-wife ripped one our our pictures. Then they would put out pics of the first family everywhere. Mini-wife took my jacket and shoes and threw them on the porch because she did not want to look at them.

We tried to have holidays and gatherings at DH's house and always included the skids, but they pumped up the disrespect and hateful games. 

It is1,000% better for DH and I now. We live in our home and not the first family home. Adult skids know because of their hatefulness,  they are not welcome. We also are further away from them.

you gotta think of things like: where are you going to put all your stuff? Mini wife won't let you move it to "her" house. Do you want to live somewhere where these skids come and go as they please? Take your stuff? Do you want to share to pay household bills for skids, like electricity, internet, mortgage, etc? Is your DH going to be on the same page as you in regard to who should run their home or decide who goes on a couples vacation. Will he always be controlled by the mini-wife?

All I know is that both DH and I would of been so unhappy living in the first family home. We have both said this to each other. please think everything through first.  

LimaPapa's picture

To make things clear this isn't the home they were raised in.  We just moved him in there the beginning of the month.  But the D23 also moved her BF in and he has his very own room because 'she needs space from him.' 

UGH the thing about her paying the bills struck a nerve.  D23 has access to his bank account and transfers money from his account to hers.  When we were on vacation and got back there was no toilet paper in the house and no groceries.  She said it's because she didn't have any money although she has access to his account LOL, and I'm sure they ate at least once in 7 days we were gone. 

I can't imagine being 23 years old and not being able to feed myself without my dad's money. 

Currently, I just keep my mouth shut

hereiam's picture

I'm sure she still considers that HER house and her territory.

She has access to his bank account? This just keeps getting better and better (worse and worse).

I don't throw around the mini-wife term very often, it's over used and usually not truly the case, but....