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maree80's Blog

SS8's clinginess annoys the crap out me!!

maree80's picture

DH has just left for the gym, I did want to go as well but thought I'd let him go instead and I'd stay home and watch SS, but DH just came in and said that SS wanted to go with him to sit there and watch him lift weights!!! Eff me!! Really?! You'd think I'd be happy he is out of the house for the next hour or so but it annoys me that he can't even let his Dad go to the gym solo!! I'm sure he would stand there and watch him on the toilet and hold his hand if DH let him!!! DH can't even leave the room without SS wanting to know where he is going and what he is doing!!

SS8 puts me in such a BAD MOOD!!!

maree80's picture

Just the meer mention of SS8 puts me in a bad mood!! DH just phoned to say he is picking him up on his way home from work for our scheduled 2 weeks with all I can do is frown as I am soooo not looking forward to going home tonight!!

I just wish I could feel a sense of joy that he is coming home, but all I feel is frustration!! Why can't I even just be a little excited!! He is the offspring of a man I am head over hels for, but everything about him irritates the crap out of me!


maree80's picture

So SS8 didn't go to school today because he was vomitting all last night, so BM sent him to his Grandparents for the day (it is her scheduled 2 weeks with him).....but just a minute ago I get a phone call at work from DH saying that he is picking him up on the way home from work as he is staying the night at our house......I am so f***ing pissed off I am literally shaking!!! Why do I have to deal with him when he is sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Double standards!!!!

maree80's picture

So after all 3 kids have been sick (DD's 14 and SS8) all day today, DH gets a phone call from his friend about his new shed being all set up and DH wants to go and have a look!!! SS8 immediately asks if he can go (I overheard him from the next room and just assumed DH would say no because he was too sick to do anything else today! Then SS8 says "ready Dad?"
Me: Is SS going?? I thought he was sick??
DH: But he wants to go!!
