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morrginme's Blog

I Can't Stand To Be Around Her

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SD15 is torture to be around. I feel bad because it's not her fault. She is responsible for her behavior but at the same time no except me has demanded better behavior from her and naturally that never went well. I know other people have it worse. It's rare for her to cuss at me. She doesn't ignore me. As long as I have only positive things to say to her we are alright, to an extent. DH frequently tries to enlist me as a partner in helping him continue to enable her to be an entitled brat at the expense and well being of the rest of the family.

Too Many Pets

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I love animals. Don't get me wrong. When I was young I had dogs, cats, birds, hamsters, gerbils, and rats. I also made slugs, ladybugs, potato bugs, snails, spiders, frogs, caterpillars, and salamanders my pets too.

My House Rules From 3 years ago

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I was getting sick of SD's behavior. When she acted out she would make a huge public display and then race to make sure she talked to dad with her lies before I got a chance to talk to him about it. He doesn't like to be bothered at work because it makes a hard job for him even harder and can't carry his phone on him most of the time but he checks it. I would be willing to wait to talk to him after he got home but she would take advantage of this and call him over and over until he would eventually answer. It felt ridiculous and infuriating when he would get mad at me!


Not Attracted to DH Sometimes

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I get disappointed when I have expectations that aren't met. It doesn't matter to me about looks. While looks can help, attractiveness is based on so much more than that. I expected DH to be a strong minded, firm but caring father. I expected him to be fair to the best of his ability in his dealing with the kids. These are the things I find attractive.

I told SD15 to throw up in the sink

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The last two weeks I have had to stare at the same dirty pan with silverware inside sitting next to the sink. I asked SD to please prescrub and put in the dishwasher. She agreed and then she never touched it. I've reminded her about it a couple more times and she said she would. I know she hasn't forgotten about it because it's still in the same place it's been since she used it. She has to look at it every time she goes into the kitchen. I know this sounds petty to get upset over dirty dishes but she got it dirty and everyone else has been doing their dishes. She has no chores.

Sometimes I wonder if SD is a narcissist

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DH loves his DD15 and I love DH. He thinks she is wonderful in every way and I think we all feel that about about our own kids to an extent. I try to see her as he sees her. I seek out the positive traits in her and then hold onto them - sometimes desperately. She is very intelligent. She gets good grades and makes a natural leader. She is quick to defend those who are intellectually disadvantaged from being bullied. She is athletic and good at basketball. She supports her teammates and motivates them to do their best.


When It's No Longer Cute: Part 1

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"You not the boss, your just bossy" her dad would say with a laugh. This would be his response to his daughter when she was 5 years old and standing there with her hands balled into fists at her sides, legs planted together tight and very straight to the ground, her eyes squeezed to mere slits, and her lips pressed tightly together as she threw her tantrum. He would laugh some more and then attend to her to make sure she got what she was wanting. That is unless she had claimed someone had treated her unfairly and in that case he wouldn't laugh.

