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mrsparks's Blog

Truant Officer is looking for SS's older brother age 10 and BM ...........

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We were just informed by BM's ex husband's wife [you following?] that the middle brother to SS has not been in school.

BM has been telling everyone that she has enrolled him in a new school that starts September 9th and the school she suposedly has him enrolled in, is a school specifically for children with Autism and Aspbergers [which the child does NOT have]so I don't get it.

It really feels like SS existence consumes the ENTIRE household- What to do/How to handle?

mrsparks's picture

My Bkids have been complaining to their grandma off and on, and I was aware of the situtuation, but it's difficult to find a quick-fix
We are trying to get custody of SS which will be another issue altogether, but my biokids are feeling overwhelmed and annoyed because:

SS- is very loud
SS- demands constant attention every waking moment
SS- springs around the house like a pinball machine
SS- is very behind developmentally
SS- is baby'd and extermely babyish

The world is revolving around SS literally and my kids are PISSED

If your 10 year old son had blood in his urine, would you tell his Grandmother you'll be there FRIDAY?!

mrsparks's picture

Stepmom to the middle child called us last night and stated that her mother-in-law said that the middle brother to my SS was urinating blood.

When the grandmother called BM and asked if she was going to take the child to get checked out BM said, I'll pick him up Friday..


Stepmom said she's calling child services today, her husband [BM's ex] is out of state in Texas at the moment and she is livid..

I find it strange that my SS pees about 30 times an hour, when there's nothing left to even pee and now his brother is urinating blood..

Does anyone else's BM complain about SK's clothing???

mrsparks's picture

I have been informed that BM doesn't have a working washer and dryer and she is forever sending SS in dirty soiled clothes/crappy underwear,mismatched dirty socks etc- that I know haven't been washed after several wears.

The only thing she can blurt out to DH when we have to see the w*tch to drop him off on Sundays is:

Where's his shirt???!!! Very nasty and mean.. or where's this piece of clothing and then whatever DH answers she has a fit, and even swore at him last week.

WTF? Seriously....BM is NUTS!!! She is Apparently telling the GAL that her and DH get along great.. WHAT???!!!

mrsparks's picture

So the GAL's asst. calls DH again yesterday about this so called "settlement conference" because DH wanted clarity on who exactly is the chair at this meeting, he told the asst. if it's BM- He will not be attending because she's known for her flip-floppy antics and psychotic manipulative games among other things..

A woman from the guardian's office called DH yesterday wanting to set up a Settlement Conference

mrsparks's picture

What exactly does that mean?
She's not a mediator in any way and once again DH wants to know what it's all about before he drives 1.5 hours away for more of BM's b.s.

DH called our attorney for some guidance on the situation or to possibly find out if the attorney can give us some clue of what the settlement conference could be about

We haven't spoken to the GAL since she came to our home at the end of July, but we have left her several messages as that's what our attorney instructed us to do

No one seems to be able to verify BM's employment- How can that be???

mrsparks's picture

She is giving out bogus numbers right and left, She receives a voucher for SS's daycare and she surely had to prove employment before she enrolled him into a goverment funded program. I am thinking that maybe she did have a job initially and may have lost it in the meantime.. I'm not sure.. Our attorney is going to subpoena her work records to see if they coincide with the odd hours she has been throwing SS into daycare..

Shouldn't employment verification be kinda easy?

BM left SS in daycare from 11a/m/ to 11p.m. on his birthday! DH and I were livid when we looked at the log in sheet..

mrsparks's picture

at daycare from 11a.m. to 11p.m. on his birthday! Can you even believe it.. DH and I were livid, BM is to submit a work schedule to the daycare every week and she has 30 min. transit time at the end of her shift to pick SS up. Well the hours on that sheet were so sporadic and crazy.. 7a.m. to 9:30 p.m. 3:45-9:15 another time..

What do you all think about this? BM wants to meet with DH & Guardian and "DISCUSS" some things

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DH thinks BM's going surrender SS to him and give DH full custody, because she knows she has lied repeatedly to the Guardian and that it will be evident,once the guardian has started investigating, which I'm sure she has in the past 9 days. He is also positive that she doesn't want all of her short-comings and neglect of SS to be exposed in court.

I think she's going to try to barter with DH and tell him he can keep SS for a year or two until she gets herself together or some other type of B.S. like she has tried to pull in the past.

SS was scared to death to be left alone in a room with me last night after we picked him up from daycare

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When DH and I got there to pick him up, he looked at us both like he had never seen us a day in his life, almost like he was looking right through us..
Also we found it very odd that without even saying "hi" first, he walked over to DH and lifted up his shirt to see his belt..
