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namaste123's Blog

Never in my life have I wanted to backhand someone so much!!!!

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I feel bad for saying that, but I am so mad I am seeing red! :jawdrop: I could not believe what came out of my 6year old soon to be stepson. We always get along, I treat them more nicely than I should. The other day we were sitting down to play a game, and he started saying, "Only babies read direction" over and over when I sat down to read them before playing. I didn't give it much thought and just said, "No honey, smart people read the directions."

Gave up something that would make me happy, so everyone else can be.

namaste123's picture

My engagement ring that I had been waiting for.

FH and I have been having some financial troubles, like 2 years of them. Recently he got a new job, but that adds our difficulties right now due to the delay in the first paycheck and him needing to build his clientle to be able to recieve bonuses.

A few months back he took me to look at engagement rings, I unexpectedly found "the one" at an awsome price. FH put a considerable amount of $$$ down on it and had 1 more payment to go.

BF vs. there really a difference btwn the two???

namaste123's picture

I mean really...if BF did not live with me he would have to live with a roomate (he can barely pay 1/2 the bills now). BF has skids every weekend. Sure, that's going to be hard on a roomate, even another guy that has kids because most likely that person would have his child EOW. I mean that would really impede that roomate's lifestyle right?

The reason I am posing this query is because I feel that I should be allowed to have "rights" of a roomate, in some sense.

Would like your opinions on if/how EW visits effects skids

namaste123's picture

Some things have really got me thinking. We have skids every weekend. On the day BM is to come to pick them up, the boys seem very anxious and usually ask several times a day what time she will be here and they seem like they always really want to go home

Maybe it's me and I'm looking way too much into it, but it seems like they get a little irritated with having to do this every weekend and would prefer to have some weekend time in their bm's home

Children that blatently do not listen or change

namaste123's picture

I was wondering if this behavior was normal on a repetitive basis for 2 years now. SS5 seems to have a big problem listening. It's almost as if he is doing it on purpose.

He also doesn't seem to want to listen when we are trying to talk to him about things when he gets into trouble.

Let me give you an example:

SS5 will be sent to time out for hitting his brother. FH will go into his room after 5 or 10 min to talk to him and "release" him from punishment and this is how every single conversation goes:

Stressed with FH, skids

namaste123's picture

It's been rough lately. FH's parenting style is wearing on my nerves.
I tried to sit him down the other day after ss5 kept asking his dad the same thing over and over and repeating "Dad" "Dad" Daddy" and he ignored him.

What I'm wondering is how my fellow stepparents handle this. I am thinking that perhaps i should talk to FH again and explain that when those things occur that I must leave to refrain from saying flying off the handle and because it makes me stressed out.

On top of everthing else, this is what makes me so unhappy and upset all the time.

namaste123's picture

My ss complains over everything. Is this typical for the age, or is this a problem. instead of saying somethings I may regret, i walk away fumimg mad.

We usually give SS's lunch around 12:30 SS immediately chimes in and in a smartass tone says "Yeah, looks like Namaste123 hasn't made US lunch yet!!!!"

I was so angry, that I said nothing since I had nothing nice to say.

BF immediately says "Hey, I'm making you lunch (which i told him I would do before we left again to go somewhere at 1pm), and Namaste123 is not your maid!"

I know he tried, but...

Can never wait till the weekends are over!

namaste123's picture

Haven't been on in a WHILE! But it seems lately that everything that comes out of my SS7's mouth makes a wave of anger go through me on a daily basis. Now what I have noticed SS5 is now repeating what he says.

Tell me if I am crazy, but here are some examples of things this child has said that make me see red!

1.)I was watching discovery channel and a man had gotten bitten by a snake, SS7 is allowed to watch PG, which it was, but I was the one watching T.V. and he came and sat next to me.