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PoisonApples's Blog

Blistering a BARE ass with a Belt or Paddle

PoisonApples's picture

This came up on another blog and I wondered what other people's opinions are. Maybe I'm the odd one out with my opinion.

It was said that appropriate punishment is blistering a bare ass with a belt, paddle, hand

EDIT - This was advocated for OLDER children -age 12+. If I heard of a grown man who was baring the asses of someone that age I'd want him arrested.

Stepping up to the Plate or Over Stepping?

PoisonApples's picture

Many of the 'milestones' in my skids lives were done with me or BD. We waited for BM to do it, sometimes mentioned it to her but she never followed through. For example, we've done the following for one or the other of the skids:
potty trained
taught them to read,
took away the pacifier at nearly 3 years old
got them sleeping in beds on their own
taught them to tie their shoes
taught them to get their own breakfast
taught them to ride bikes
taught them to roller skate
got them swimming lessons


PoisonApples's picture

Am I the only parent who disagrees with the idea of playing this Santa thing up as long as possible - the the point of outright LYING to the kids when they get old enough to question it?

I know, I know, it's way too early for this but bear with me please.

Delusional BMs

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BM in my case is delusional.

She acts like SHE is still his partner/best friend and I am the outsider. She often speaks to him as if it's the two of them against me even though he has almost no contact with her.

OT - Hobbies

PoisonApples's picture

I confess I'm a bit of a flake when it comes to hobbies/crafts.

I've tried so many different things.

I usually get really into something, buy all the necessary tools/equipment/supplies to make so many things, do a few of them then something else catches my eye and I'm off on another new hobby. I DO make myself complete a couple of projects before moving on though.

I signed up for a glass fusing class next week.

A month ago I was heavy into mosaics. I have enough materials to mosaic my entire house, patio and gardens if that's what I chose to do.

Huff and Puff

PoisonApples's picture

BM just goes on and on and on, issuing her silly ultimatums, stomping her feet, threatening.

It gets old.

I've (thankfully) gotten to the point where I can usually just laugh at her. It didn't used to be that way.
