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PoisonApples's Blog

Why marriage?

PoisonApples's picture

Is marriage important to you?

Why or why not?

Do you think that a couple who are married have an advantage over couples who are not?

Do you think if a man marries you it means he loves you more than if you weren't married?

If you are married do you think your relationship is superior to relationships where couples are not married?

Passport Drama

PoisonApples's picture

We've got a trip booked for summer holidays. It's been booked since February.

The skids don't have passports. Last week in court BM agreed to sign for passports. SO gave her the forms and asked her to return them signed on Friday when we picked up the skids. Of course she didn't. He even emailed her to remind her but she didn't acknowledge the email at all.

The saga continues......

PoisonApples's picture

So SO took BM to court last week for breach of access. Outside court she agreed to restore access but had a family event next weekend (SO's normal weekend access) so they agreed he'd have them last Fri/Sat and next Fri/Sat then resume access as normal. SO agreed to this only because the case was being pushed out and may not have been heard until July. She also agreed to sign passport applications and she was given them to sign. They agreed that they would each hold one passport.

Deleting Posts

PoisonApples's picture

Is it a new feature to allow the person who starts a thread to delete posts on it?

If so, is this something we REALLY want?

It allows people to slant things to look as if their ideas are getting much more support than they actually are.

It seems that opinions that don't totally agree are being wiped out left and right.

How to deal with PAS'd 7 year old?

PoisonApples's picture

So bf's ex hasn't let him have his regular access for 6 weeks now and he hadn't seen them at all. Until this the longest he'd ever gone without seeing them since the day they were born was 10 days.

Yesterday he stopped by the babysitters to spend a few minutes with them, to reassure them that the separation was not HIS doing. Ex told them that daddy was 'too sick' to see them, a total lie, she's stopped access to extort more money.


PoisonApples's picture

brief history - BF has had court ordered EOW access for sd7 and sd5 for 4 years, ex would delay it sometimes and interrupted a time or two but mostly he was able to pick them up. 6 weeks ago went to court for variation of maintenance and got it reduced. Ex was demanding that one asset given to our child dd3 be handed over to her but judge refused. Ex shouted at him in court and the judge told her to shut up. Ex immediately stopped access and bf hasn't seen his children since.

The Bitch Has No Limits

PoisonApples's picture

BF hasn't seen his children sd5 and sd7 for 6 weeks now. The ex has hidden them at access time each time he was supposed to collect. Last night he managed to get sd7 on the phone and she told him that mommy told her that daddy was too sick to see them right now.


She hasn't let him see his kids since she tried to get her hands on gold coins he had given me for our child and the court tossed the case out. It's blackmail, if I turn over the coins she'll let him see his kids. He's trying to get her to court for breach but it will take a while.
