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PoisonApples's Blog

BM Will Stoop to Anything

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So, SO and BM went to court for her contempt case for withholding access. Outside the court they agreed on a few things. We have them 1st 2 weeks of July and Aug and she has them 2nd 2 weeks of July and Aug. This was agreed outside via the lawyers and wasn't included in the court order which just dealt with passports and us taking them to Paris in August.

OT - Gardening Anyone? -Update

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** Update **

I now have tomatoes in my greenhouse.

I followed the advise given by some of you, ie epsom salts, no nitrogen fertilizer, pollination. I left the greenhouses open for a week and made sure lots of insects were in. I shook the plants and made sure the flowers were pollinated.

All the branches with blossoms down low died and fell off but the upper blossoms have now turned into little tomatoes so it seems that they will be ok after all.

Thanks to all for the advice.
** end update **

Are there any gardeners out there?

Do You Know Where BM Vents?

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One day about 4 years ago when I was pregnant we took my teenager and her friends to Dublin for a concert. SO went in with them because they weren't 16 yet. I sat in the lobby of a nearby hotel surfing the web. One of my google searches brought me to a board, not unlike this one, for people, mostly women to talk about all kinds of parenting, pregnancy, separation, etc issues.

OT - Boycotts

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On another blog I just expressed my admiration for the Craigslist founder and in the next sentence I admitted that I use ebay regularly. I felt a little guilty because I know that I should be boycotting ebay.

I know that most people here are Americans and Americans in general don't join boycotts (or at least didn't used to) so I was wondering if that's still true?

While I know it isn't always possible to completely boycott everything from a particular country or company, there are some issues that I feel strongly enough about to make a real effort to not give my money to.

She never stops with the controlling behaviour

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So we had this long drawn out drama over getting passports to take the skids to France in August. BM refused to sign, we ended up in court where she HAD to sign for them. She got the judge to agree that while we are in France for this first trip abroad she can call the skids before 9:00 AM Paris time EVERY day with the stipulation that she not mention their emotions or her emotions (this is because she always calls whining about how much she misses them and how unhappy she is, asking them why they don't miss her, etc).

BM with Slutty Behavior?

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One of the other blogs made me want to write about something that used to bother me a great deal but now I just laugh at.

It used to be that BM would prepare herself for the return of the skids to her house by dressing up in mini skirts, low cut tops, way too much make up and high heels then she'd be all phony and flirty when we got there. She doesn't do it anymore because once in a conversation with another person I laughed about how ridiculous she looked. I know that person told her what I said and she never did it again.
