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princessmofo's Blog

Divorce 2.0

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So as I contemplate whether or not to pack it in and be done with this crazy situation with dh, I can't help but wonder if I will be screwing up my bios...yet again. My kids were already abandoned by their biological father. A man who was incapable of loving anyone by himself and who now has the luxury of living off the taxpayer (like he always wanted) as he is "mentally unfit". He pays nothing in cs. Dh by all accounts is a douchebag. He spent the last two years keeping horseface happy and not me. And for what, dh?

OT: Who thinks their dh/so/bf needs to grow a pair? Show of hands please. . .

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I've been reading some of the posts today and it just got me to thinking about guts and the lack there of in many of our dh/so/bfs. The things that the skids and bms get away with is in direct proportion to their inability to grown some balls and "man up". Perhaps I am simply cut from a different cloth, but I lack the restraint to repeatedly allow someone to manipulate and cut me up. But the men-folk differ somehow. They seem to have a sea of tolerence when it comes to being treated that way.

Dear BM: I was Not married to you so you don't get to dictate my and my bios lives to us. . .save that for d*ckless ex-dh. . .

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This is really nothing new for you seasoned step-talkers here. But suddenly, horseface bm is trying desperately to stick to the parenting plan as we are in litigation with her and is insisting on an "itinerary" of our family vacation, in writing, before she will benevolently grant her permission for ss. She's never done this before. Just saying folks. . . if it comes down to her saying no to dh and ss I am still taking my bios on the vacation. . . ALONE. I was not married to the evil bridge dwelling troll so I am not subject to her "rules" and neither are MY children.

To confront or not to confront...that is the question?

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Steptalkers I have a question. Is it better to just swallow it all down or should I confront someone who has repeatedly disrespected and hurt both myself and dh? I'm talking about cunt-MIL, of course. She went to horseface's for Easter. We know that for a fact. SS told us. She went to horseface's wedding reception too. Dh is mortified and humiliated and quite frankly I want some retribution. I want to tell this woman that she should have raised cobras, not children. I want to just let it all out and unload on her for her decitful ways.

Weird vibe from dh: Part 2

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So I attempted to speak to dh last night, as you all encouraged me to, after the house had quieted down to no avail. The man would not even look me in the eye. I tried repeatedly to tell him that if he has something to tell me regarding his feelings about horseface's impending wedding that I was not going to "freak out" or get all judgey. I just thought it best to clear the air. Same for what's going on with his family. Well it went nowhere. No, correction it went to bed. He won't touch me, he won't speak to me. He won't even look at me.

I'm getting a "weird" vibe from dh...

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You ever get the feeling someone is hiding something from you but you cant be sure what? I'm getting that this week from dh. I know he's in a rough place with the conflict regarding his family attending evil stink wagon bm's wedding but he's been getting progressively sulkier all week...leading up to big wedding day tomorrow. I shutter to think he is in mourning over horseface getting hitched again but I can't shake it. Something's totally off. It's not me. Kids sensing it too. Preparing for Defcon 5 now...

To quote Tony Soprano, "She's dead to me." Thoughts on my MIL...

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So as you all know from my previous posts, MIL had told horseface bitch devil cunt (not my dh, no she didn't have the decency to mention this) that "she could NOT take sides in their current custody issue, but that she would be attending evil sink wagons wedding this week." So dh finally dug deep and found where he had buried his balls and layed it all on the line. He informed his mother that they were "done". She no longer had any place in his life or mine, and for the sake of his son, he might try to "allow" her to see him.

A letter to BM's fiancee on the eve of their nuptials. . .

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Dear Sir,

I am writing you this letter in the hope that I may perhaps offer you some guidance and solidarity as you are now to become a "step-parent". I offer my congratulations to you and horseface and hope that your life will be free of conflict and drama. Considering your choice in partner, it is highly doubtful.

Since you can't pick a "side" let me pick one for you MIL. . .

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So dh is in the middle of a custody issue with horseface. She just up and out of the blue served him a month and a half ago. Since then dh's mother has been acting shady, more so then normal. Now I know that the woman has never cared for me. She made that very clear when dh and I got married and she told me that "Horseface and I are friends and are close and are Always going to be." I can read between the lines and took that as an indication that MIL and I would NOT be friends. Who cares? Really, lady?

Perhaps BM wasn't entirely the problem in dh's first marriage...

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Do any of you ever wonder this? I know in my case bm is a soul-sucking wretch, it's true. But as the layers of my dh's personality have began to unravel over the last couple years I have to wonder...maybe it wasn't always her? Was dh a dick to her like he is to me? Did he use that same passive-aggressive language? Did he blow hot and cold like now? Was he spoiled, selfish? Did he possess that same arrogant conceit for the feelings of others when with her? I can only assertain that yes, he was probably the same ill-mannered douche wrapped in a younger package.
