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princessmofo's Blog

R E S P E C T! Find out what it means to me or get the hell out. . .

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So anywho I have been laying low lately trying desperately to muttle through the impending holiday doom. If you've read my previous blogs you know BM recently got engaged. I was rather excited at the prospect. As I anticipated she would be less inclined to climb up dh's ass over every little thing, and it seemed to be going that way. This weekend was dh's weekend with POC. And "Prince Only Child" is a perfect way to describe this child. My ss has done a MAJOR about face with his attitude.

A strange twist of fate. . .

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As fate would have it this is an excellent follow-up to yesterday's creepy BM blog. My DH comes home last night and informs me that BM is engaged. Yes, engaged. He can confirm this as he works with her and saw the ring. So I ask my ss, "did mom get a new ring?" He tells me "yep, she got it wednesday. She picked it out of a catalog with her BF. It looks a lot like yours." So I smiled, thanked my ss for letting me know and being honest. So now I'm wondering do I "congratulate" her as she had done to us on numerous occasions? Could I send her a wine basket? LMAO!

Creepy things BM has done. . .

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Just wondering if anyone else finds this "creepy" or is it just me? When my DH and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary his Ex called him and congratulated him. She also texted him. And she recorded a voice message from my ss wishing us a happy anniversary and sent it to us at 6 a.m. that morning while we were still sleeping. I found it unnerving to say the least and I wasn't the only one.

BMs and their SOs/BFs: A question for your consideration. . .

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Just curious if anyone else has noticed a similar pattern in their situations. When the BM has a SO or BF does she meddle more in your life or less?
I have noticed less interference. But I have also noticed I am spending more time with my ss. It seems the BM's priorities change. She is more accomodating to the BF and her personal time with him. Which translates into more time with my ss. Which quite frankly is fine, because the more time that child spends with me the better off he is at attaining a "normal" existence.

I'm confused I thouht this was a safe place to vent...i

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I'm sorry but I thought this blog was a judgement free safe haven where you could vent? But judging by some of the cruel and sh*tty comments I guess I was wrong. I'm not necessarily asking for advice as much as I want my feelings validated. So when you compare me or anyone else to "a crazy bm" I feel attacked not welcomed here. Perhaps I misjudged this sites helpfulness. Perhaps if you don't have anything positive to add to someones situation you shouldn't contribute at all. This could just be me though....seeing as my reactions are on par with "crazy bm's".

Thanksgiving and the in-laws from hell 2.0

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Well as I predicted the dreaded ex's name was mentioned during the dinner feast. And yes the turkey survived my wrath(thank you for pointing out my anger and irrationality stickaforkinme, you were right I need to get control of it). The first time it was mentioned I ignored it. A few minutes pass and it's mentioned again. To which I promptly state, " could we not talk shout her". An awkward 8 second silence passes in which everyone looks at me like I have lobsters crawling out of my ears until I look st my dh and ask "please pass the greenbean casserole". And conversation resumes.

Skids and pets: How to tell if your skid is a psychopath in the making

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About 5 weeks ago we adopted a beautiful boxer mix puppy from a shelter. My oldest biokid has high-functioning autism and his doctor thought this would be a nice way to help him socialize and come out of his shell. So I told my oldest this was something I was doing for him and that he would be instrumental in the care of the dog. And he has been wonderful and very responsible. Really impressing me with his ability. He and the dog have bonded beyond words. They roughhouse and play and are devoted to each other.

Clearly my DH's douchebaggery knows no bounds. . .

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Something is a wry in my world. My ss6 comes every monday and tuesday and then the "drama" begins. DH comes home with an itemized bill from BM. Karate fees, doctors copay, medicine with a note stating our half. From the moment ss is here he clings to "daddy" (I just threw up in my mouth having to type that). We cannot even eat in peace as husband and wife because stepbrat needs help playing angry birds. So I get to share my dinner with the catchy soundtrack of Angry Birds Rio. I'm doing my best not to let any of this get to me, seeing as I have enough on my mind.

A Tale of Terror: Thanksgiving and the in-laws from Hell

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So here is my dilema: I agreed to let my DH do Thanksgiving here and invite his freeloading, surly parents. I hate these people and with good reason. They are jackasses. They still have pictures of the Ex hanging up in their house. They have dinner with her frequently and socialize. Also whenever they are here they find a way to bring up the Ex in conversation, generally singing her praises. And I will say that recently she has done one thing to help mankind, she got sterilized.

So who else is tired of always being the "bigger person"? Show of hands. . .

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A few days ago my DH asked me to buy my SS's Christmas gift for his teacher. I said, "No. That's his mother's responsibility. Not mine." Which to me seemed perfectly logical and plainly obvious. His snarky reply, "Well I just thought you might want to be the bigger person." Really? That's what you thought? Well sir, you clearly are a moron. I'm tired of being the "bigger person". I have bought the gift in the past. My efforts have never been recognized so I am retiring.
