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princessmofo's Blog

The Great Bunk-Bed Debate

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DH and I have been having this debate for sometime now. Recently it bubbled over into a full on heated argument. Here are the particulars: We inhabit a three bedroom home, ss6 is only here 50% of the time, my ds8 and ss6 cohabitate in one room ds5 has his own room. My ds8 has high functioning autism and needs to literally decompress in quiet in his room. He is also older and will be requiring additional privacy soon. Two years ago when ss was 4 and ds was 6 we purchased said bunk-beds. As NO child under 6 is to be on the top bunk, naturally my ds slept up there.

Let it snow, let it snow, dipsh*t BM forget SS winter wardrobe (that kind of rhymes, right?)

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So obviously not the worst thing that could happen but this sh*z really gets to me. And if my dh were the one who did this we would never hear the end of it. Picked up ss this morning from BM (aka sh*t for brains). We are expecting up to five inches of snow and it was currently flurring as I was getting him. He had no gloves, no hat, no boots and no snow pants! :jawdrop: I have repeatedly sent him home to his BM with these items.

It's the naaammmme gaaaaammmme. . .

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Anna Anna bo banna banana fanna fo fanna me my mo manna. . . Anna. Let's play the name game. As you all know from previous blogs BM is now engaged. BM and DH have been divorced for well over 4 1/2 years. BM continues to use her married name for all legal purposes except on FB. Where she uses her maiden name. She has used maiden name for over two years now. Suddenly, lo and behold she's back to using dh's last name on her account. Shock, curiousity, and bafflement are a few of the words I can use to describe this upon seeing it. So my mind now wonders what is she playing at?

Apparently CS stands for Cash Strapped not Child Support

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I'm reading throught today's posts and am simply mortified at the gold-digging, money grubbing, blackmailing, vendictive, extortion, shady methods used by some of your alls BMs! Holy crap! These women, and I use the term loosely, could be enlisted by the mob to shake down dead beat gamblers! The vast majority of these BMs have no freaking idea how lucky they are to receive child support! I receive zilch, zero, nada, nothing from my ex! And I am just fine with that. I have always been rather self sufficent and have no inability to provide for my lovely children.

BM talking behind my back means she's in the perfect position to kiss my a$$. . .

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So I find out that the BM is sh*t talking behind my back to my wretched MIL. Yes, as you all know they are such good friends and oh so tight. Like BFF's for life, yo! :sick: Anywho, the source was ultra reliable and the information was voluntarily offered to me by someone who hates BM with the fire of a thousand suns. Apparently, know get this, I dress the way I do simply to annoy BM. She can't understand why whenever we attend any of ss's functions I feel it necessary to dress the way I do. I only "dress up" to get back at her.

The Great M&M debate or no food is sacred in my house with DH and SS. . .

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Does anybody else have to label food and or attach a note to it in order in insure it's Not eaten? Apparently in our house you do!! As I was chastised, like a five year old, by my DH this morning for not labeling an extra large bag of M&Ms that was intended for DS 8s school party this week. I was surprised they had gotten eaten so fast as I just purchased them yesterday and placed them far up on the counter towards the back so I could send them to school with him today.

O/T: Putting Mistletoe in my back pocket this Christmas so everyone I dislike can kiss my butt. . .

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I think I have a reindeer stuck up my butt this Christmas. I have some serious blahs. And the horrendous tragedy that happened Friday has not helped. I literally am hitting an "I don't give a f*ck!" about the holiday. I've done all the shopping. All the cleaning. All the wrapping. Been dealing with a walking incubus of viral plague, which is my 5 year old and this mutant cold he's got. Working massive overtime from the holiday rush at work. Helping my older son with all his schoolwork. And of course, dealing with DH, SS, BM and her demands.

BM stands for bowel movement not biological mother, right?

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This is really just an observation but all these wretched BMs and their continual crapfests got me to thinking. I know. Slow down, Princessmofo before you hurt yourself. But they are bitter, insensitive, jealous, deceitful, malicious, plotting, trashy, rude, obnoxious, revolting, unnerving, lousy, shameless, treacherous, degenerate, knavish and just plain evil. And yet they continue to insinuate themselves in our DH/SO/BF/FDH's lives. What baffles my mind is that 90% or more of these BMs initiated the divorces! So if you didn't want him anymore what is your freaking problem?

One Mississippi. . .

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So this really isn't some amazing forum topic but I just found it funny. Last night the BM called my house phone. My DH had to go run an errand so the kids and I stayed behind while I fixed dinner. The phone rang and I recognized the number and thought "hmmmm...this woman never calls my house." So I answer and there is silence on the other end. I begin a mental countdown in my head. . . One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi, four Mississippi. I get the five Mississippi and she finally speaks.

Physical punihsment and the step-parent. . .

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So another brief question: Do you allow your dh/so/fdh to physically discipline your children from your previous marriage (your biokids)? And by physical I mean spanking. Does you dh's Ex allow her dh/so/fdh to discipline your step-child physically? Again I mean spanking. Does the bioparent get a say in who touches their child in another home or do they just have to bugger off?
