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wake up cqll from ss17

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Ss17 called wanting to know what size condoms to get. :jawdrop: he had all kinds of questions.

Then Yuck called later to tell dh that he talked to her about it and how their conversation went.
But then apparently ss16 got mad at Yuck for not telling ss17 not to have sex. In fact he told Yuck 'what of mother tells her kid he can have sex? And I'm sick of ss17 getting to do what ever he wants when he wants.'

who the hell lets a kid drink coffee???

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Yuck does! Now don't get me wrong once in a while for an older kid a specialty one is fine but everyday and just plain coffee. He even brings his own coffee maker here! Damn wtf?
He is so into coffee he brings his own coffee maker and coffee here. Now we aren't big coffee drinkers here but we do on occasion have some.

But to get a kid hooked on coffee?? That is just I have no words. Gggrrrr

DH telling skids my buniness

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I got up b/c dad and I are going to a festival but its raining. Anyway I was talking to the skids that I wouldn't be home most of the day as dad and I are spending some time together. and I had a hell of a week.

I was going to leave it there but then both boys said 'we know dad told us even showed us pics' :jawdrop:

my bio dad wants to get to know me

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OMG this is awesome. I called him just a few mins. Ago. He said when he sat down and thought and went through the time line that he realized that I am his.

He told his kids too. I asked if he wanted a DNA test. He said if you want one we can but I don't need one. OMG

This has turned out the best I could have imagined. We are supposed to meet next Sunday.

I'm so emotional right now. He wanted to know everything about me. So we talked about my life and his. He wanted to know if I had a dad growing up. I told him yes and a great one. He seemed very happy about that.

speaking of laundry wars i have one of my own.

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First I want note I've never been a June cleaver if any kind.

So anyway I do keep my hone clean though. However I have a problem with not putting laundry away. Ill put it the basket and leave it in the living room thinking if I see it ill put it up. LOL

My Dh has a habbit of digging through it to get his clothes but leaves clothes every where.

What do you think of ex calling your dh silly names?

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Yuck has this thing that she will call my dh things like fart sniffer or turd or brat all with a joking manner. Its kind of pathetic really.

Anyway I didnt say a whole lot about it b/c to me it wasnt a hill to die on. however dh doesnt like it at all and I had no idea. with everything I was/am going through he didnt want to bother me with it. Last night I guess he couldnt take it any more and vented me to me. He said he thinks she lost right a very long time ago which i did agree with. But I looked at him and said "then tell her" duh lol.

AWE my dad just called

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I havent really talked to mom or dad about the search b/c I didnt want to hurt them. But dad just called and wanted to know how it was going. So i told him, he is going to make me cry. He said I just want you happy. WHOA tears go away.

We made plans to go to a festival that is coming to our area on sat. Now I cant wait.

Thanks everyone for the support on this.

95% sure i found my bio dad

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I had someone helping me with this. Got all his info and called him. At first he said he knew my mom and he worked where she said he worked and in the position she said. Then he started back tracking and said it has been too many years and wanted mom to call him b/c he couldn't place her.

OK fair enough but I'm thinking what are the chances of a Guy with the same name working as an xray tech at the same hospital mom said he worked at at the same time?

I told him that I'd be willing to do a DNA test to make sure.

Telling your kids the truth!

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I want to make it very clear that keeping something like who their bio parents are is wrong! No matter how much you think you are protecting them you are NOT! Telling the truth the always the best for everyone but best of all for the kid. Even if you don't tell them as a kid tell them when they turn 18 or 21 at least! THis is NOT fun at all. I have more hurt feelings and being mad at the fact I wasn't told for almost 40 years then I do for my mom not saying anything when I was a kid.
