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RockyRoads's Blog

Attending Graduations

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One of my nephews is graduating HS and of course I am going. SO then talked about SD and another one of my nephews graduating next year. I mentioned that I hope they are not on the same day.  He said he of course has to go to SD and I said of course I have to go to my nephews. He said I can't even talk about you not going to SD and had tears in his eyes. I can't see a concern a year out. We were just having a conversation. Unfortunately I will choose my nephews over his children. I don't have a bond with his kids. My nephews are my family . What are your thoughts ?  

Why can’t they understand

RockyRoads's picture

I haven't posted rencently as things have been improving. But now travel ball has started and it will be another hurdle.For a quick recap SS ,almost 16, is entitled and disrespectful, but this is caused by bios and grandparents. Last year after the travel ball season SS was told he could stay on the team if him and the bios agreed that he would only pitch. He can't bat after 12 years of playing ball. His travel team has some really good players. He is the worst on the team. Also SS has lost his core group of friends because they don't want to be around him any longer.

What is wrong with ME

RockyRoads's picture

What is wrong with me. Why am I not out of this relationship. And why am I not worth SO putting an end to what he does?SO will not put up the boundaries with BM and kids like he was told by the therapist.  He won't stop. He continues to let BM text him every day. Yesterday it was about something SS said to a coach( it wasn't mean this time)Okay if you can't control BM you can control your own fingers and not text her back. But he did . Now baseball season had started and it will give her very easy reasons to Text because of pick ups and asking if SO is going to the games.

Venting about manipulation

RockyRoads's picture

I am just venting because I need to.  And yes I know I need to just leave but anyway. SD gets to go across country for doing excellent on a school project. It was unexpected and is running approximately $1200 and is coming up fast.  SO gave $200 for it and was going to pay for the other $400 in a week or so. Now there is nothing that says he has to do this but it is his daughter so he was, this is fine. But then SO get a text forwarded to him from BM saying that SS final payment for travel baseball is due.

More of my complaining

RockyRoads's picture

Most of you know SS is having friend issues. I wanted to know if about 100 texts in two days between bios seem normal, all it is is them bitching back and forth, all about SS ,but there is no resolve? Is this a normal parent problem and I shouldn't care about the texting?


RockyRoads's picture

Just wanted to put this down somewhere. SO went to his therapy session. He said it went well and he was not angry with me when he was through. This means one of two things. 1) she let him talk and didn't say much or 2) he was able to do his wonderful manipulation tactics.  I have to go with 2.  SS had his first travel team baseball practice for the season , now remember he will only be pitching because he does so terrible at batting. I guess he also pitched bad and now has to do more private pitching lessons.  I am not grasping this at all.

Facebook feed

RockyRoads's picture

I just saw on one of my local Facebook groups that a lady was asking how her ex can find someone to date.  People are responding how sweet. Then it goes in to say they are best friends and have two kids that they coparent great together.  I only saw one negative response that said maybe he should stop talking to his ex.  Then she said we have to talk all the time because of the kids.  I thought about responding and saying wait until I am out of this relationship and I will jump right in.  LOL

I want this to end -more I don’t understand

RockyRoads's picture

I want to know what parenting or maybe divorce book says that only parents should be picking up their child?  I am being sarcastic. Now I have begun to speculate more and more about what SO does because he is so manipulative to get his way about his kids.I suppose he was asked to pick SS up after the basketball game by BM and he didn't think he could because he was working . He got done sooner then expected and SS grandfather was picking him up .  GP was already at the school waiting for him .

When child support means nothing

RockyRoads's picture

Do any of you have this issues with SO who has paid child support so long they don't even realize they are paying it and what they are paying it for?  To me it seems like my SO doesn't understand that the monthly money he has been paying for 12 years is for things for the kids and there is nothing In writing that says he has to pay more for anything. But he pretty much pays for all SS sports and 1/2 of anything else that BM pays for. Like braces, car insurance (which he is basically overpaying) SD is on BMs insurance, glasses, etc.

Almost laughable but it is so very sad

RockyRoads's picture

SO takes SS to pitching lessons every other Sunday, but SS has started baseball practice at school on Saturdays. Which means SS is pitching on Saturdays and you should only be throwing so many times in so many days. Pitching coach canceled the lessons for today because why bother. SO said that is upset because at least he gets to spends a few minutes in the car with SS. Let me tell you I had to be in the car with SS yesterday for a few minutes and the way his mouth was so smart arse towrds his dad was unbearable.
