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Text to DH from his kid last night.....

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DH texted his kid last night for two reasons. One, a EF1 tornado touched down in the town she lives in (by the way, we don't get tornadoes here) and the second was to find out her work schedule. It's her weekend with him but she just got a new job and so visits will depend on if she's working or not.

However in the middle of their texting, his kid asked if she could call him later as (and I quote) "My mom is really pissing me off."

Still cannot drum up any feelings for DH's kid

Shaman29's picture

And what is worse, I'm beginning to feel the same way about DH.

She turns 18 in September and will be in her senior year in HS. DH recently agreed to let her use part of her inheritance to buy a car so she is able to get to and from work. He also used it to pay for her insurance for 6 months and registration and tags for the car. This was all his idea and not her idea, as she wasn't expecting to use this money until she was 21.

DH's kid.........butting heads with Uberskank

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Uberskank better be careful or she's going to lose part of her income after DH's kid turns 18 in September. She is alienating DH's kid and is upsetting her to the point where she told DH yesterday "I don't know if I'm going to be able to live with mom my last year in HS."

Oddly enough I said those exact words to DH while we were driving down to have an early dinner with her yesterday. He was catching me up on the latest drama and I said "DH....I have a feeling the kid is going to move out before she graduates from HS."

OT - Day 5 of Juice Cleanse saga.......rise of the dizzy spells

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Well crap. Double crap.

Started experiencing dizzy spells yesterday afternoon (okay, technically I've been having them since Sunday). Blew them off at first as low blood sugar and powered through. But after experiencing multiple spells last night, decided to tell DH. He encouraged me to eat a little protein, so I added some hemp protein to my juice last night (by the way, it was only slightly less repulsive than the beet/sweet potato/carrot/apple juice).

Afterwards, felt even worse (sick, dizzy, bloated) and blamed the hemp powder.

OT - Day 4 of Juice Cleanse

Shaman29's picture

I'm feeling slightly less stabby today. Which is good. My head isn't as foggy and I haven't threatened one co-worker over their breakfast hot pocket this morning.

Tried a new juice recipe last night, which had a sweet potato and beets. All I can say is :sick:.

Holy crap, that s**t was horrible. Oh my holy cow I'm getting sick to my stomach just thinking about it.

I have discovered the more the juice resembles pond scum, the better it tastes. Last night's juice was the perfect example.
