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snoopyinoz's Blog

Son of a b........

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Oh HELL no! I went out for a bit tonight, and I come home to find DH in a pissy mood and SD10 blubbering. I calmy ask what happened and lo and behold DH caught SD10 stealing change out of our room! I went about my business determined to stay out of it. Well DH tells SD10 point blank he wanted the truth right then. Her answer was a lie and DH called her on it. Her answer for that one? "but I'm so USED to lying" DH called bullshit on that one.

So far........

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It's been a week since BM saw the kids. DH and I finally got through the attitude that SD10 was dealing with and after finding about a few things have managed to get SD10 back to her normal self. SD7 on the other hand has started back into the "I can do......" crap. This usually happens about a week after they see BM. The "I can't do..." drives me insane! All of a sudden SD7 "can't" do things she's been doing JUST fine for the last two years.


snoopyinoz's picture

So DH was supposed to be in court today at 130 I go to pick him up from work (he works downtown near the courthouse) and at 12:35 our atty calls. Yup we got continued until the 24 th of this month. What pisses me off is BMs atty KNEW two weeks ago that there was a need for an ASL interpreter And waited until the last freakin minuet to try and get one. (she told our atty that a judge would have to sign an order for one so our atty did some checking and come to find out, no he didn't. The Americans with Disabilities act provides interpreters with a 24 hour notice.

The powder keg finally blew

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BM actually showed up for her visitation (she was late no shock there) DH and I pick the kids up from the visit (it was supervised by DHs "mom" long story there) and the kids were acting cagey which we expected. Saturday was alright, as was most of Sunday, until Sunday night. The kids were playing a game and arguing about every little thing. Finally DH told them "next argument game gets put away" well 15 minuets later there was an argument.

Are you f#%£ing SERIOUS?

snoopyinoz's picture

Ok BM was supposed to call us PRIOR to 9 am YESTERDAY if she was going to take visitation. Well she called DH today at 455 saying she had tried to call and couldn't get through and we couldn't prove otherwise" uh really? Bullshit! I called the phone company and they have NO incoming calls from here except for the one at 455 today. This woman STILL has not provided us with a current phone or address and is still pushing for visitation tomorrow morning (mind you she hasn't seen the kids since thanksgiving of last year, and no phone calls) our atty AGREED to let her see the kids!!!! WTF?


snoopyinoz's picture

Went well. The ex didn't show but still had the nerve to ask for visitation DH agreed it will be here in town supervised and the ex has to call 48 hrs before if she chooses to accept it. If she don't show she is allowed to call during a certain time other than that we were given a continuance until the 11th of this month. I flat out asked the lawyer "since she hasn't bothered to see the kids in almost a year why now" and got a "because she's trying to look good" as an answer.

Update to freaking ou

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Well DH and I met with our atty this morning and as the atty put it "the ex doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell. She didn't take visitation when she had the chance, is trying to go back on an already signed order and is blowing smoke" DH and I are relieved at this. We still have to be in court Monday, and we will see how that goes

Freaking out!

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DH and I get back from vacation and get pw to be in court Monday afternoon. Seems that BM is suing us for fully custody AND child support. (in the divorce she wanted NO support) and last June DH and I had to go get the kids and had pw drawn up saying that BM gave up her fight for custody and was ok with visitation. In September of last year we had to amend the parenting plan giving her one weekend a month and weekly phone calls which she never followed through on.

Ah HA!

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So. SD 10 decided she wanted to show her ass again tonight. I asked her why her chores weren't done and she started in with the whiny mouthy BS she's know for I told her to go to her room I'm in no mood to deal with her crap tonight so she gets about 3 steps away from me and starts her banshee screaming throwing things hissy fit right as DH stepped out of the bedroom I didn't say a word and let her back right into him. Lord the look on her face was PRICELESS!

Needed to get this off my chest

snoopyinoz's picture

Another weekend shot To hell. I am SICK of every freaking weekend being upended and everyone in the house being on edge! During the week when DH is at work, things are slowly getting to the resemblance of "normal" SD10 and SD6 and i are getting along better, and SD10 and I are butting heads less. Until the weekend. Saturday mornings, I usually get met with a snarky comment from SD10, that I usually ignore then she starts in with the "gimmie gimmie gimmie I want I want I want" mouthy snotty ass attitude.
