steplife's Blog
Working from home. Watching SKid!!! No Way!
I work at home and DH was talking about how it's nice that I'll be able to watch SD7 on his weeks this summer! WHAT?! I don't think so. I told him that he needs to sign her up for camp or find a babysitter on those days.
DH: "SD is gonna be so mad, that's going to suck for her having to wake up early and go to a program all summer. And I'm going to have to drop her off and pick her up, its really inconvenient!"
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Skid takes MY bio to their BMs nightmare!!!
So I don't have any bios yet, and I saw a post about someones SKID getting their driver's licenses. It got me thinking by the time I have bios and they are school aged my SD7 will be a teenager. Does anyone let teenage Skids baby sit their bios? I know I won't when they are babies/toddlers but my older brother used to watch me when my mom had errands to run for a few hours once in a while, but it seems like it may be different in step families.
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Food in the car!!!!! Opinions
I don't think kids need to be eating in the car unless it's under certain circumstances like a long road trip. Outside of that, they can eat before leaving or wait until we get to destination. They are not going to starve to death! My DH continues to allow SD7 to bring dry cereal in the car every damn morning on his way to take her to school. She spills it constantly all over the car "on accident".
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Weather appropriate clothing, is it REALLY that difficult?
So I lay out SD7 clothes the night before so it's easier/faster to get ready in the morning. Right now it's still pretty cold out (cancelled school last week one day for snow). I put out leggings and long sleeves to go under skirts/dress and t-shirt polo (required at school). I see SD this morning at breakfast and she says she is freezing and has a winter coat on zipped up.
Dad carries insurance should BM cover out of pocket co-pay expenses?
My DH carries me and SD7 on insurance. He has 50/50 weekly custody and no CS ordered for either parent. CO says they both are supposes to carry their own insurance for SD and regular appointments are to alternate between parents. This way they each pay for every other appointment. BM chooses to work per diem so no longer carries any insurance. BM called and said DH needed to pay half of Dr. Visit. Should BM be paying all co-pays since she does not pay monthly insurance and uses ours for every appointment now?