sterlingsilver's Blog
not gonna happen...part 5
Well things have finally all come out. It took a couple days to get the whole story but here's what I am told (however, what I am told and what is the truth is always TBD).
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not gonna happen...part 4 (losin it here)
So I get home from work last night late as usual b/c my shift is later. I walk in the door and my dh immediately follows me upstairs b/c guess who was sitting on the couch and I just stood there for a minute before slamming the door shut and going upstairs without a word.
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not gonna happen... part effin 3
I know, you all are getting tired of my household drama but I swear this beats all.
SS19's gf turns out she's not pregnant. She started her period last night after I finally agreed they could move in here for a few days. I caught her throwing a pad deep into the garbage and me in my curious discusting mode, went digging for that pad after hours and low and behold it was soaked in ,,, ya you guessed it.
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not gonna happen... part 2
I am so furious.........
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clothes pin on nose
I dislike teen boys and male dogs so much. I have 4 in my home - 3 teen boys and 1 male dog. I walked into the house after work today and all I could smell was BO and dog pee. Sure enough non of the boys showered last night and sure enough the dog got left inside and peed on my floors. There are days when I should just pin a clothes pin onto my nose and wear boots and not bother anymore. I get so tired of cleaning, feeding and caring for this crowd and all they do is slouch on my couch and make my house reek.
*VENT over*
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not gonna happen...
Now ss19 and his pregnant gf want to move in. Neither have jobs. We already have 3 teen boys to feed and clothe. Ahk, can this be happening? and is it ok to say NO? I'm saying no but what if they manipulate me with sob stories. Ss19 has already sent me 2 sob texts. I'm saying firmly it's not gonna happen, dh isn't talking about it. Dh has health issues, I'm working 2 jobs and dh 12 hour days. Dh always told his boys "don't be a fool, cover your tool" and then both his daughter and son have babies before being ready at all - no jobs or home.
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I'm cool as a cucumber cuz the answer is "NOOOOO"
SS19 asked us if he and his gf can move in b/c she is preggers. Neither have work, we already have 3 teen boys we're struggling to feed, we"re buying a house and moving in Dec. This is the kid who lived with us for a year and would binge and hide food and denied losing ALL my dishes, stole from us all the time, always had friends over while we wer gone and parties. I could go on and on but you can get the picture. Anyhow, he claims he's grown up and now a man (and dad _OMFG were you a fool and forgot to cover your tool then?)
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Yours versus mine every time
I love DH with all my heart but I am tired of our Sunday morning fights. We only have one morning a week where we can sit and enjoy coffee and tv together and it always turns into a fight. It's always yours versus mine, even the pets are involved in the fight b/c it's his dog and my cat. Sheesh. Maybe I should work 7 days a week.
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Not my kid, not my problem - but still.....
So more drama for the weekend. DH and I missed calls last night from ss15 and ss19 b/c we smartly turn our phones off so we can sleep. Well it turns out ss15 went to the late movies with friends and got brought home by the cops. Apparently ss15 tried calling us but we didn't answer (of course b/c we thought all the kids were in and safe for the night) and so he called his older brother but older brother's truck is in the shop so (not sure of the story) but ss15 got picked up by cops and brought home.
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stop breakin bones already
I am just so frustrated right now. So last spring ss15 broke his collar bone while at school playing around outside at recess. This resulted in him not being able to play football this year. Just yesterday same ss15 broke his pinky finger AT RECESS and now he cannot wrestle this winter.
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