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tryingtomakeit's Blog


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So we have moved to a new house and a new town. Because of my husbands work schedule, before we moved, we discussed picking up the sd up on the weekends that she was to come. I told him I would do it, but there would be some ground rules.

1.) I want to know I have to pick her up in advance. I do not want to find out the day of that I have to drive a extra 1;30 out of my way.

2.) Once I am on my way she is not allowed to change her mind. She has to come...!

Well my husband called her last night to see if she was coming and her answer was "I DONT KNOW...Maybe"

Got to Vent..and he wonders why I act differently when the step kids are over....grrr

tryingtomakeit's picture when the step kids are over I try to stay out of their way...DISENGAGE as much as possible. I am not mean and if they talk to me I talk to them, This really makes my husband furious. I think, he thinks, I should like throw a party every time his children grace us with thier presence.... :sick: !!

Well, the step kids have not been over the house in a few weeks and my husband hasnt mentioned them to me and being a nice person and trying to make conversation, I asked how they were both doing? I normally do this..because that is what you do.

I cannot stand my mother, I love her, but cannot stand her in the same that wrong????

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Here lately I have been having problems dealing with my mother. For you who have followed my blogs you know that I am almost 30 years old and my parents are divorced. My mother hates my father-they have been divorced for years ans she is not afraid to let me know it. SHe talks about how much she HATES him ALL the time. He, well, i dont think he knows she exists....he DOES NOT mention her.

Why should I the step mom support his lazy children when they do it wrong to feel this way?.?.?

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So we got out income taz done a week or so ago. This week my husband informed me that he thinks he is going on just give my sd our income tax money for a school trip in the summer. I was shocked and pissed.

First and foremost, the people that are going on the trip know about the trip and the cost a year in advance, the parents and children also have fundraisers to cut the cost of the trip.

Well, my sd has not done the first thing to earn her money for her trip. Me, the stepmother has done more than her father and I am married to him.

Should or should I NOT be upset that my husband did not telll me about his daughters mouth

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A few nights ago my husband and myself went to hang out at our friends house. We, the women, stayed in the house while the men went to the garage and hung out.

Well, as me and my friend were talking the sd's name was brought up and this lead to the issue. My friend had apologized to me staying, "Well, hope the sd didnt get into too much trouble over what she said the my daughter?" I was clueless--I asked her what she was talking about. She said, you meen your husband didnt tell you what happend...I said no.

Needing some encouraging words from you all

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I have blogged about my parents before. I am 29 years old and my parents are divorced. When I was younger my mom was the one that I counted on. She was there for me when others were not. Well, fast foward to now, and she, my mother, is not afraid to let me know that she was the one that did everything. It is like she holds it over my head all the time and it gets soooo old.

Anyone have a sd that is a teenager, but acts like she is 6 or 7???

tryingtomakeit's picture sd is rather weird! Get this..she is 14 and acts like she is 7. We went out for lunch yesterday and she started talking in baby talk and wanted her daddy to set by her because she did not want to set on the other side of the table all alone.

Then before we ordered she says out loud. I jsut texted my mom because I dont know what to eat. She willtext me back and tell me what I want????

Then its time to order and she does not want to order the food. She asks her father to tell the waitress what she wants.


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So, I have talked about my step son on here before. This weekend just proved to me that he is WORTHLESS. He is over 21 and still lives with his mom (my husbands ex) she has totally runied has my husband, I wont blame it all on her!

The past few months his father( my husband) has told him he didnt have to pay his cell bill, but he does have to help us around the house to make up for it. (the ss is complaining about not having money. Dont know why he has NO BILLS)!

Do people feel like I do or am I the only one out there

tryingtomakeit's picture

ok...I know I am not the only one out there, but sometimes I feel so alone. My sd is really getting to me. She has got to be one of the laziest people that I know.

My husband wants me to be like her best friend and do all this stuff with her and talk to her more and so on and so forth.....but when she stays at our house she is treated like royalty. She can sleep in to god knows how long and he still fixes her plate for her. It is like when she comes our lives have to stop.
