Yosemite's Blog
OT vent- Adopted daughter driving me crazy with expecting others to provide for her baby while she spends her money on herself.
My former stepdaughter was abandoned by BM at 13, lived in a group home but then was placed with me by CPS when she was 15. I wound up adopting her at sixteen. She moved out at 18. She had a baby last year at 19. About four months ago she moved into an apartment with her biomom as roomates. AD20 pays half of everything. Her BM gives her really bad advice and she takes it every time....drives me crazy!
Wow! Once a crazy BM, ALWAYS a crazy BM...My half sister's mom is trying to cause drama 30 yrs later..WTF is wrong with her?
I got a letter for my dad today from child support enforcement telling me that if he has a tax return they will take it for back support. My dad lives with me because he is disabled as a result of a heart attack/stroke combo 26 years ago. He has trouble with activities of daily living and brain damage. He lived with my Gma till she died, then in and out of care homes till 3 years ago when I brought him to live with me. I was 10 when this happened and my half sister was 4. My dad and her mom got divorced when her mom was pregnant.
BM donated money toward my BS13's field trip without being asked or telling anyone she did. What is she up to? How do I respond?
My BS13 is going on an expensive school trip later this year. In our state, each taxpayer can donate up to $200 towards extracurricular activities for a school or a specific student, which gives them a refundable tax credit. I just got an email from the school and it lists BM as well as both her sisters as having donated towards my BS13's trip. I never asked her to donate and as far as I know neither has FDH. She also hasn't mentioned she did, at least not that I have been told about. I am disengaged from BM and very rarely speak to her, never about my BS13.
Can't seem to let go of anger at FDH, even though he apologized. I've never been this mad for this long. Hope this isn't the end
A few days ago, FDH and I had a blowout because he kept making snide remarks about my BD19. I went off on him, he apologized the next day. But I'm not over it. He has really brought out the mama bear in me and I'm starting to wonder if he may not have gone too far to come back. I hope not, but I can't stand to look at him. It's scaring me that I am not over this yet.
Vent-SHTF with FDH today about BD19. I finally just told him "Guess what? If you don't like her, then I don't like you!"
Sooo tired of the drama. FDH thinks that since BD19 is out of the house it's okay to tell me all the things he doesn't like about her all the time. I don't care to hear his opinion. I don't expect him to feel the same way I do about her but common fucking courtesy says you don't talk shit about someone else's family, no matter what your personal opinon may be.
My kid is awesome,sorry he doesn't see it. He is not asked to do anything for her or with her so what is the fucking big deal already?
I wish he would sign up for ST, then he could vent and I wouldn't have to hear it!
Prayers to survive joint birthday party with BM psycho crazy
We are having karate themed party. I could use some prayers that it will all go well. This is all I could come up with:
God grant me the ability to keep from breaking the board over her head
Or kicking her in her fat ass instead
Help me to keep from smashing cake in her face
And get through the whole fucking thing with some grace!
Who does this to their kids? Oh yeah...BM that's who!
I got a call from SD20 today asking me to have lunch with her. I was surprised because although we've seen each other at a few family functions, there's been some tension ever since the dog incident.
Anyway, we go to lunch and SD20 breaks into tears and says she can't come to the wedding because it will hurt her mom too much. She was supposed to be in the wedding, but now she feels like she can't even attend.
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Confessions of a neglected fiance
My FDH and I are very busy. So it is really hard to find time for all the wedding planning that is needed. Somehow BM has a sixth sense and is always calling when we are out. FDH answers because he thinks it might be his son, but it's ususally not and then they are chatting while we are trying to do our business.
I got sick of this so I did something I probably shouldn't have. I rigged FDH's phone so that I can block and unblock her remotely from my phone. His phone doesn't even ring, LOL.
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O/T Wedding drama...What to do when coworkers invite themselves to the wedding and even to be in the wedding party???? Help!
I knew there was a reason I never wanted to get married. I just didn't realize it would involve office politics! I am amazed at how many people at work have made it known they expect to be invited to my wedding. I am even more amazed because last night one of my coworkers called me late, pretty sure she was drunk, to tell me how hurt she was that I haven't asked her to be my maid of honor yet. She then volunteered for the job and started telling me how my plans are too extravagant and she's going to plan the best backyard wedding ever and save me soooo much money!
BM maybe nobody told you but you only get control of the guest list if you are thowing the party. Sheesh!
Every year BM claims she is too poor to contribute to SS9s birthday party. Instead she just has a cake at home for family and we foot the bill for the party that his friends come to. This year, she had the nerve to tell me that the place SS9 wants to go only allows 10 kids, so I and my family will not be able to come. She will still expect me to come to her house for cake though.