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zenjetset's Blog

Can't sleep!

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It's 3:30am and I can't sleep. Too much in my mind! BM and crazy family have my head spinning in a million directions. All I can repeat in my head is "no good deed goes unpunished" afterall, me and fdh tried in august to head off this situation, but regardless of our intent we still ended up in the exact same situation we were attempting to avoid.


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THANK YOU AND HUGS to everyone who has contributed to ST and made many if not all of our lives a bit less stressful (for lack of a better word). One we get to VENT, two we have emergencies and people RESPOND (though we don't know each other in real life - we care and we are here!). Three, we are community of people - stepparents - united, most if not all trying to do the right thing, because after all, we did google or found this site.

This is just sometimes too much...

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FDH needs to go to the hospital, he has been complaining about arm pain for the past two months. Obviously, it keeps getting worse, but he won't do anything about it. Finally tonight, he walks in from work (literally 10 minutes ago) and says I need to go to the hospital, I've been really good about holding in this pain. I say, let's go. He says, no we need to wait until I don't have to work!!! really honey, really you need to need to wait until what your shitty ass job gives you permission to go to the hospital....come on!!! really?!?!?!?

Are we created equal?

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BM tends to think she doesn't have enough alone time, however in a nuclear family do mothers get time off/vacation from their family. NO, not that I recall. BM impression is that fdh and I get alot of time off, and we club it every other weekend. Not the case at on...


zenjetset's picture

:jawdrop: I would like to know...
My fdh and I love a healthy way of course. We love it with each other, we have it and talk about it and share our thoughts after the act. Then have it again if time allows or we just wait teasing eachother until we can again (usually after work, dinner, dish, laundry, etc.)Lately, it's the only excerise I get since I have a bad knee. lol

Another Woman (update)

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OMG!!!! WTF?!?!?! This woman text my fiancé this morning at 7:15am with pictures if her!!! One photo had her in front of a bentley and the other in front of a small airplane. She texted saying that she was doing very well! That her boyfriend (who was not in the pictures) owned these things. and she was only asking him (my fiancé) for a favor to fix something. That his response to her text yesterday was uncalled for. She then insults him by saying, the car is a bentley in case you don't know what one looks like! Like as if my fiancé is an idiot! Dumbass chick! I want to beat her ass now.

Another Woman

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My fiancé received a text message from a number every month or so on certain days, like fathers day, Easter, valentines day, st patty, etc. He also got one inviting him to a couple of events at a bar. He didn't know who was person texting and he never text back to ask. It didn't bother me because when we first met we agreed to delete all the past bf or gf or people of that nature. Also, the text messages were so random and only on those days that it wasn't a big deal. However, yesterday he gets a text from the same number and it says "hi it's Brenda.

My DH...

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Please write a good, great, wonderful thing about dh or dw.
Then write a bad,indifferent, difficult, annoying about dh or dw.

Me first...

My dh is really supportive, very understanding, and is just a total and complete sweetheart. I am lucky!!!

My dh still makes mistakes when it involves bm and skids. He tries too hard to be everyones everything. I hate reminding him "he is not bm husband anymore" but she is as much to blame as he is for this. I resent him sometimes as much as I love him. Which by the way...makes for incredible sex!!!

Open House Invite

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DH received a text from bm inviting us to school open house. one tiny little problem dh can't make it. Do I dare go it alone?! Knowing that possibly bio grandma and maybe even bioauntie will be there! It could be three against me! I'm not worried really, cause I can hold my own, but I hate it when they go off topic and start discussing things that have nothing to do with kids.
