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5 days in Counting!

AshMar654's picture

Yup 5 more days till the MIL and FIL are moving. I can not wait. Had a really big family gathering this Sunday for a baptism. It was nice and everyone was pretty good. All and all it was not bad MIL sat next to SS at the lunch afterwards and insisted on putting fried calamari on his plate I knew he was not going to eat it at all. I just ate it off his plate. For the most part he is a really good eater and will try all different things but not that one. She did her usual pick at him and nag on him. I finally started understanding more and more of SS's behavior by being loud and does things to draw attention. Yup she totally did that.

Anyway SO and SS went to get the last few really heavy items from their place this weekend. I went grocery shopping and I guess they were still trying to pawn like so much stuff on to him. It is never ending.

I did suggest to SO to invite them to a tiny cookout we were having with some friends this weekend and he did but they said they were going to somewhere. Turns out it was not until much later and his mom was like "you are having a party why did you not tell us." She made a thing about it. They did not come which was food in the end because they would not have enjoyed much. We had like two other couples there with there little kids. Not a party at all.

Anyway kept my mouth pretty shut all weekend. Believe me that is hard to do. She basically told me I should be buying bigger clothes for SS. Apparently she ran into the mom of one of his old classmates and asked about it and things SO and I should buy him like two sizes bigger so he can wear stuff longer. He still fits into all his clothes. Even the jeans from last year. His cargo shorts we went up a size because he likes his shorts lose and I could adjust the waste. Not two sizes he would be swimming in them and way too long because he is not that tall.

End rant. I am just ready to not deal with them on a regular basis anymore I have had my fill. Maybe when they are gone I will finally learn to appreciate them.


ESMOD's picture

Ash.. you just have to master the noncommittal responses...

"Gotya.. mmmhmm.. thanks"

"I see what you are saying"

I don't think there is a mother alive that hasn't gotten unsolicited advice. It is not always an indication that they think someone is a "bad parent".. but just trying to be helpful. (which it rarely is.. but)

Acratopotes's picture

why be so nice ? You ladies are a disappointment }:)

what about a simply... eff off.. keep your mouth shut woman, oh piss off would ya...
(if only you could)

smile and be polite, it's not long now then they are gone, and her comment on oh I see you are having a party, smile and say, no we only arranged a play date for the kids and had dinner...

mtnwife530's picture

Acratopotes, I really like the ...eff off, and keep your mouth shut! I have had a terrible time with BioWhitch, from her making "hot flash" jokes when I comment on the 110 degree heat, to telling all the skids that "the three of us could share a room" referring to DH, myself, and HER! And DH knows I'm about to blow a gasket! I do believe a nice ,calm, simple eff off would be perfect! At this point DH knows better than to say anything to me before or after I blow!!!

AshMar654's picture

LOL thank you. I wish I could say it. I will keep that play date thing in mind for the future when they come back.

I give it till after winter before they shop for a small condo here. This way they can spend part of their time here as well. They will not last that long down there without someone to pester and bother and poke at.