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12yrstepmonster's Blog

how to raise a well adjusted child to become a well adjusted adult

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After reading blogs, specifically the one written by a 19 year old step daughter, it got me thinking.

How is any child raised to be well adjusted? What is needed?

I am raising a daughter with my husband. We read her books at night, when she had night terrors I was up with her telling her monsters weren't getting her. I cheered her on in her activities, I gave her atta girl remarks when needed. I also cut her off at the knees, and stop her world from spininng when she's misbehaved.

My husband does the same.

raging BM

12yrstepmonster's picture

And its me!

My ex and I get along really well. Then I forgot to call and talk to him about Dd19 medical problem, or should I say I only half talked to him. Dd has a medical condition that is preventing her from ever taking birth control again. While she says she's not sexually active, she still peferred to have an iud.

Dh just received the EOB stating she had surgery. He
got crappy with her.

perfect stress relief

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A good cry.

I usually do not cry. Not something I was allowed to do as a child, not something I saw my mom or grandmother do.

Today, I cried all the way to work. It cleared my head and helped make decisions.

We are going to a lawyer re: fair handling of bonus money.

But the cry allowed my to look at and analyze numbers, to release tension from dealing with an aging mom, kids, and work.

Try it sometimes I highly recommend it

i understand why their are deadneat patents

12yrstepmonster's picture

Yes, DH could fight the new support order that will inflate his income 350 a week more than he really makes over a one time bonus- if we could afford a lawyer.

Really over 8k a year to support one kid.

Enjoy, because all extras are included in your suport. We have three years to save for an attorney for college expenses.

Meanwhile BM you got his kids and his money- but remember you do it on your own

angered, stressed, ticked.....

12yrstepmonster's picture

I do not understand people....specifically BM

For years DH has been told

Skids hate coming to your house
They don't want to come
You turn everything into money (because we said no to additional findings)

SD20 moved out of BM house two weeks ago in a state that still has a law for support until 21). Dh told bm that support should ne dropped to one child effective the date of the move. She is saying effective the judges date. In addition has told the lawyer how to calculate the order which will overstated DH income tremendously.

what can be factored in to support

12yrstepmonster's picture

I know DH can use union dues to reduce his income.

It also states that medical can be used.

Can commute costs be used? Dh has one of those irreplaceable jobs- auto worker type. The kind that if they shut down your plant you follow the job. He currently commuted almost 100 miles a day. Has anyone heard of using commute costs to reduce income?

CS question

12yrstepmonster's picture

Does anyone know if profit sharing checks can be used in child support calculations?

I thought it went off earned income.

Bm is trying to get DH signing bonus, and profit sharing as part of the support. These aren't yearly!

one down one to go

12yrstepmonster's picture

First skid just left mommys nest. Dh has told Bm that he's filing paperwork to change support to o.e child.

Bms response. I had anticipated that I would have support until she turned 21. Dh: she's no longer living with you. Bm: I'm still paying for some of her bills. Dh: I should have emancipated her in Jan when she dropped out of college. Bm: got quiet.

Yeah lady one down, 3 yrs to go.

dracos blog got me thinking

12yrstepmonster's picture

I was reading everyone's posts about if a child should have the right to decide they don't want to be at the other parents house.

I wonder what would happen if a child chose not to be in that parents life, if the judge then would say that parent then has no obligation to provide for you any more.

Please read here that IF the child chooses not the visiting parent.

i say i dont care but i do.

12yrstepmonster's picture

My dd12 has been carted everywhere. Has spent countless hours at ball games, at performances, at open houses.

Do you think SS15 or SD20 can be bothered to come or even congratulate DD. Do you think either one contacted her on Facebook or sent her a text.

SD always told dh if she knew how she really felt about things he wouldn't let her see DD. Hmmmm......I always thought she meant she wanted to be involved as a sister.

Is this jealousy on their par. That she has "their" dad. (and yes hers as as well).
