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12yrstepmonster's Blog

what is the Easter Bunny bringing this yeary

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Dd12 asked if the Easter Bunny was still coming even though he Jang a real bunny. I jokingly said heck no. My BIOS looked at me like I was insane.

Dd12 made the argument to her case that Dd19 had the Easter Bunny for 18 years. To keep it fair, she should get baskets for the next 6 years but Dd19 should be done. Plus if I didn't buy for Dd19 she could have more.

Just realized the time of the year it was

12yrstepmonster's picture

For the past 12 years we have fought tooth and nail for Skids to come during their extended summer visits.

For the past 11 years my stomach would knot up, my palms would sweat, my heart would race as we constructed the schedule and ask for the time. IT was always always always be a fight.

This year we aren't even sending the email. SS doesn't even come for his eowe visit, why would he come for any time during the summer. (and why would we take him on our mini vacation?)

I miss what should have been

12yrstepmonster's picture

SS hasn't been over in two months. SD hasn't been to our house since before Christmas.

I miss them being a part of our family, I don't miss the drama and issues that are created.

The SS situation makes me very sad. But I don't see that I have done anything wrong. I still remember the bond e had when he was little.

This weekend marks the start of spring cleaning. Much of SD things will be taken to her so she can determine the importance. But I'm decluttering my house!

tired of the games they play

12yrstepmonster's picture

SD20 was a fulltime college student for the year 2011. She got a part time job in June and turned around and claimed herself on her taxes! After she vowed she didn't.

Like we wouldn't find out? MY TAX return was rejected SD, and I now have to pay almost 2k in taxes.

In the meantime, DH is still paying full support on your sorry butt and carries you on his insurance and we are paying your Rx that goes thru mail order.

The things that I have learned through divorce, remarriage and blended families

12yrstepmonster's picture

I was brought up in a concept that it takes a village to raise a child. My grandmother lived with me for the first 9 yrs of my life, after that we still had daily contact. I knew that if I screwed up in the neighborhood, i would get a tongue lashing from the neighbor, and my parents would know before I got home. I was brought up that children were to be seen not heard, and that I was a direct reflection upon my parents, and that you respect your elders.

a weekend of realuzations

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So ss15 is now talking bad about me to dd12. I have known he has said things in the past. Dd has told me. I have used that to explain to her the issues that arise from step families. This time I wasn't here and she went to DH. Who in turn confronted SS about a lot of different things- including not thanking people for Christmas gifts, for his constant issues. In the end DH says. If you don't want to be here I don't want you here. Don't take that to mean I don't want you to be here personally. I just don't want you to come and sit around with an attitude.

my thoughts this Christmas

12yrstepmonster's picture

I did the spoiling this year at Christmas. I did the double standard buying. My skids aren't here. SD20 rarely makes contact. On her own. Ss15 tells his dad our house is boring. He is refusing to come for visitation. When he's here he does nothing, he doesn't talk and life is about him and what he wants.
