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12yrstepmonster's Blog

serously BM just didnt say that!

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We have two events to attend this weekend that in my opinion should require khaki type pants for SS14. Two weeks ago DH texted BM telling her that SS would need nice clothes. He texted BM to confirm he has pants. When she said he had black shoes and shirt but no pants DH said but will have by the weekend? Her response not my responsibility- you need it you buy it.

So let me say I would be completely and totally EMBARRASSED if my ex requested I buy certain something and I said no! And he would be all over me saying what do I pay support for?

how many of you pay support to a skid/kid that lives with their bf/gf?

12yrstepmonster's picture

It appears that SD might move in with her bf at the end of the summer. Do we pay support to her????????

She will be 20 and in school fulltime (and we live in one of those states that you pay until 21). But in my's a a hell NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone out there experienced this?

At what point is enough enough?

12yrstepmonster's picture

Seriously. I have spent 10 years being dictated to what I will do and when- I am like a puppet on a string. I thought that when SD19 said she was done coming over that life would be quiet since 90% of the drama in our house was created by her manipulation and now SS14 is piCking it up and running with it.

I'm going back to NOT CARING!!!!!!

'i'm bored when I come here"

12yrstepmonster's picture

This was the comment that my SS14 told my DD11 when he arrived here. he said he was tired of just sitting around watching tv. we live in a small rural town and my husband is a homebody. The BM is all over the place and they live 25 miles from our house so it's not really feasible to be running back and forth between his hometown and ours.

DD says bring your Xbox, he says it's not good for it to travel. What do you do at your moms? he says: watch tv, work out, play my xbox.

So here is what I want to say:

Dear SS,

I am no longer angry as much as dissappointed

12yrstepmonster's picture

I sent a message to a sk today with no response....that used to make me angry. I think now it just makes me sad that we try to inextend the olive branch and it feels like it is nixed immediately.
All members of my family miss out because of this divide...

It just makes me sad for all "players".

SD here for the night

12yrstepmonster's picture

So it is kind of interesting. SD graduated from HS and was very adamant to let it be known that she when she turned 18 she wouldn't be coming over for weekend visits anymore and she would let us know the holiday schedule. OK, whatever....please break my heart at that point she was more of a pain. The first year + of college we saw her 5 times total. DH might have seen hee a little more at SS ball games.

For a chuckle and understanding

12yrstepmonster's picture

I thought I would share something my DH and I find funny- at the time, DH was shocked, and I was left digging for answers.

So ODD was 7, and she and I were at my DH (then BF) for the weekend and we were eating dinner. DH and I were joking back and forth and at the end DH says well just give me my ring back then. OF course I knew he was joking- but DD response became a window to her thought processing:

DD to me: It's ok MOmmy, my daddy will give you a ring again.

not even a text to say we arrived

12yrstepmonster's picture

When we took the skids on vacation BM would get a play by play on the texting. She takes skid on vacation- we get no itinerary, no this is where we will be, here's the flight number. NOTHING

They flew out today and should already be at destination do you think Skid has reponded to DH text of did u have a good flight? NO...... But will post it on facebook? How sad.

Hey dad just send money........screw communication.

And spring break visit ends :)

12yrstepmonster's picture

SS goes home tomorrow. While he is a pretty good kid I am glad. Most would trade him in a heartbeat. He used to be my buddy we went everywhere together when he was young. Get this we had him potty trained at our house a full year before BM even started. Once she started he back slid at our house.....but that is random.

He doesn't really back talk, he doesn't really disobey, and if you ask him to do something he will. Sometimes with a dirty look- but isn't that a teen thing as well.
