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Chel Bell's Blog

Thank You Mom....

Chel Bell's picture

To the woman who brought me into this world, I say a silent prayer for you. Thanking you...for making the unselfish decision to choose life for me, knowing that you would have to give me up, in hopes for a better life than you could provide. They told me you gave me a name, they told me you got to hold me. If I imagine hard enough, I can almost see you.I have taken this gift of life you have given me and have turned it into something wonderful through my own children. As my family has grown over the years, I have thought of you often.

Now She is ready????

Chel Bell's picture

As you know, I got back online yesterday, and have had some catching up to do. I have a myspace page, but, hardly use it much anymore, just to talk to my sis. & brother sometimes. Anyways....sometimes I look up my SS, his profile is set to private, and I don't communicate w/ him, but it's nice to see a new pic. every now and then. BM has a page too, of course, and she knows who SS talkes to, and who his friends are, and every word that's exchanged, and that is why we dont talk to him on it.

Hi everyone !!

Chel Bell's picture

Hey all....moved in and back on line! Everything went well, the new place is great. I have been enjoying making it a home for us this past week. It felt so good to unpack, especially some of my things that I have not seen in months, that I was not allowed to take into shelter w/ us and had to store it at my aunts house. Hope all is well with's good to be back. Smile

3 down, 3 more to go.

Chel Bell's picture

Well it looks like we got our big purchase of "EX-OFF" .We got the notice from the IRS that our refund is being sent to CSE, just over 3,000, so now we have about 3,000 more to go, and I'm sure they will take the stimulis $$ too. I was going to file that form...injured spouse, to get "my" half... but I just want this to go away as fast as let 'em keep it. It does not help us as a whole to do that. So anyways, when all is said and done, we should have enough "repellant" to last a long time. I'm hoping DH will get credit for this soon.

Good News/Bad News

Chel Bell's picture

Well it's been a busy couple of weeks, we are moving on the 30th to the Cape, I can't wait. Everything is falling into place with that and looking good. We will no longer be considered "the working homeless". The bad news is, $$ situation with DH's past CS, that he owes. As I posted before , we were telling them the amount was wrong , because we had only started falling behind recently, and how did they get that crazy figure of 6,000? Well now I see where they got it....and it's not good.


Chel Bell's picture

On the news last night,I saw a wild story. I guess some spurned soon to be ex wife has a video posted on youtube bashing her soon to be ex hubby, giving all the nasty details of their divorce, and saying nasty things about his family!! Can you all believe that?? I have not looked at it, but they showed alot of it on the report last night. Talk about giving crazy BM's an idea, hope ours doesent see it. Has anyone heard of such a thing? Do you think the man in question should press charges?

They Got It.

Chel Bell's picture

C.S.E. intercepted our tax refund, just like we thought, to use to pay off the arrears, but this is what I have a problem the arrear amount is wrong!!! It' s only 3.000 , at best, and get this, they have it down as over 6,000!??? WTF, they had it right when they issued his income deduction order in Jan. to his employer,and the figure was right when they suspended his FL. drivers license, and now they have this crazy figure. The c.s.

C.Support Question

Chel Bell's picture

I have a question, about being in arreas, and CSE, intercepting tax refunds. Now my husband is behind by about $ 2,000 , and we are getting $$ back this year, by direct deposit, and it should show up in a few days, we did our taxes w/ H&R Block, and it goes on a debit card they issued us, and our "stimulious" check will come in May sometime, in the mail. My husband is under a deduction order, and they take out the support amount, plus extra that is applied to the arreas, so my question is will they still try to intercept our return, and if so, what one will it be ?

Cape Cod or Bust.........

Chel Bell's picture

We got the house!!!! Found out today for sure. My DH's brother in law called us and said it's all a go. We move in May 1st. My DH , will be making good $$, the rent will be very affordable, & we will now have long term stability. I'm so happy...GOD IS GOOD. Smile Thank you all for your prayers,& good vibes. Now we feel strongly that we can handle the rest.Of course we will not say anything to the skids, so BM does not know.
