Chel Bell's Blog
Autism 101
Have been working with my son, and Early Intervention , and we are moving closer to getting a diagnosis. We are now in a play/parent group for kids with these types of disorders. My son enjoys playing, and I like talking to other parents about what we are all going thru-.I read everything I can now, and even took a course online. Just passed it. I got the call today from the doctor who will do the testing, and our first appointment is on thursday.
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Can't believe what I read today!!
OK, so I was online today reading about bankruptcy laws, and filing chapter 7....(sidebar) this is a new life accomplishment for me (said with extereme sarcasim), as I have no other hope of getting out of the gy-normis debt I incurred while trying to single handedly save my DH and his kids from the hole that BM was financially putting him in when I met him ......, and it was all yellow! (sorry for the vent, had to get that out) anyhoo, I see that this site states CS as a dischargeable debt!?? How is that?
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BM went and got a life!
Hey all, last night I had the pleasure of telling DH that I spoke to his kids, he was working at the time they called yesterday, and I told him that SS said everything was going really well, even though he misses us, things are better that they used to be. He told me his mom is divorced (i already knew that, but did not say), and that she now plays cards every saturday night with the "boys", her new friends, and she dates some of them(that was funny), and she has a new job, and has been very busy, but doing ok. I for one was glad to hear that.
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The future..., was sooner than I thought!!!
Today started out as a boring day, and then, my SS called! I was so surprised to hear his voice. He was with my MIL , and wanted to talk to me after MIL gave him the card I made him. It was so good to hear his voice, have not spoke to him directly in almost a year! He said...." I miss you Chel, I love you guys, how is my little brother"......I was starting to cry by that point! He said as we talked how "great" it will be later down the road when we can see eachother again. I really hope so too. Any thoughts I have had, any worries about the future with him, I will put to rest today.
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A look into the future......
Have been thinking about my skids alot lately. My DH is missing them alot, of course, and he has pulled through some "tough moments" really well. He is happy about us being here, and with our home life and all, but I know he is worried about his kids, and how they are right now. His mom is supposed to visit with them soon, so she will let us know how they are. My DH did call SS on his cell phone, it went strait to v-mail, and we did not get a call back. I don't even know if he has possesion of the phone, but it was still his v-mail when DH called. I hope all is well with them.
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Prayers this morning, and moments of silence. 7 years, and it still knocks the wind out of me like it did that day. I think of our brave men and women who are fighting for our freedom, and pray for their safe return to their families who wait. Just wanted to take a moment. United we stand.
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Code for team Step Off
They were fast with this....code # is 111517. Thanks everyone.
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Step Off, Breast Cancer!
Hey everyone. I thought of some thing that I would like us all to do together, and it's for a great cause. I was watching tv last night, and saw a yoplait yogert add. They are collecting pink lids off their containers, and with every lid, they donate 10 cents to the Susan G Komen for the cure.And of course I thought of you all, and I really think if we band together and do this, we can make a difference. I went to their web site, and signed up as a team....Team Step Off, step parents against breast cancer!!! What do you think?
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Raggin' on Rags
I know some...ok....most of you all will be mad at me for saying this, but tearing rags apart(pardon the pun) needs to stop. He's new here, and was responding to some other posts, and was giving his opinion, imput, and some things that worked for him and his SS(i don't understand the confusion about him being a he or she, it's in his posts what he is!!!) I really thought that we all were going to read responsis, and take from them what we want, or need that is helpful to our situation, and not respond, or ignore to what we don't like or agree with.
about my son....not step related
I know this is off topic, but I always get such great feed back and support here, so I thought you all may be helpful with this. DH & I have a son, he will be 2 next month. He does not talk, really at all. I have, for the past several months been working with him with Early Intervention. The woman who works with my son is great, and he is making progress with "signing" to communicate. He has no hearing, or health problems of that nature. The other day, my fears that I have had about him were confirmed. He very possibly is Autistic.
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