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Chel Bell's Blog

My Stepmother.....My Angel

Chel Bell's picture

I'm 35 years old..... but I'll never forget the day I met my mom. I was given up for adoption.... my BM could not keep me, and was adopted by my father and his first wife. It became clear to me when I was about 4 , that she did not want me little sister was born, and her marrage with my father was breaking up. "Mother" took all her anger out on me, she was terribly abusive.... needless to say I went to go live with my father, then later so did my sister. Then my father met mom.

Should I Pursue This?

Chel Bell's picture

As I wrote before, my DH & I moved away from BM......and I wrote a little about the harrassment she put me through, well it was really bad, and when I became pregnant, it got worse, before, during, and after my pregnancy she was always causing problems, putting me under ALOT of stress,,,,she even wished death on my baby....and I have on tape saying she wished I would die, and my husband. She has harrassed me so much and got away with it.

Moved the name of Peace.

Chel Bell's picture

I have written on this site before, but it's been awhile......back in july my DH & I were going through a long, and difficult custody battle with his EX, involving where SS should live. My DH had gotton custody of SS the year before, but BM went nuts and was making life hell for everyone, and hired a lawyer to get him back. Then SS starts saying he wants to "go home", he's 13, and in Fl.
