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halo1998's Blog

OT...BUT DANG DH...shut up already - a vent

halo1998's picture

DH (usually Dear) is good at setting boundries, good at not taking crap from either skids or my kids.  He is funny, smart, and extrovert and usually means well. 

BUT DANG SHUT UP ALREADY...I'm an introvert.  Due to the current COVID situation I have been with DH for a solid 6 weeks.  It hasn't been too bad but he is an extrovert with ADHD.  Oh lord...the man never shuts up.  He talks through movies, yells at me from the other room (very annoying as I have lost 40% of my hearing.), comments on everything.   The man will prattle on for hours about nothing.  

B* and the plot to ruin Valentine's Day by using my BS

halo1998's picture

As I said before my DS is on the autism spectrum.  He has his quirks and it takes him a bit longer to reach milestones, etc.  He is now 21 will graduate from college in 6 months with a degree in economics and a minor in history.   **Proud momma here**  The kids has also developed a wicked sense of humor.  

B* and the free meal

halo1998's picture

Beaver loves to eat.  Eat out I mean...she hasn't met a restaurant she doesn't like.  This was so bad during DH's marriage that they spent more on eating out than their mortgage.  I  know because I saw the bank account details in their divorce papers.  When they couldn't afford to go out, her parents took them out to eat.  This was just one of 100 reasons that DH despised her parents.

Since we have a blog about is The B*, the Bed and the Realtor.

halo1998's picture

After the divorce DH was awarded the house with instructions to sell the house.  In lieu of Beaver contributing to half of the mortage payments, CS was suspended and DH paid the mortgage outright.  Beaver decided that she did not want the martial mattress, the marital bedroom set she wanted, the mattress no. DH, he was cool with that. He found a cheap bedset on Craigs list to use and then just used the marital mattress.  He needed a bedset so the house looked nice when showing.

Chronicals of the B*......Halloween Edition

halo1998's picture

Well I hope all you step mom's had a good mother's day..whether your a mom, a stepmom, a fur mom or all three.  :).

Mine was two kids came over for lunch and BD made me a card.  

Heard nothing from SD..but didn't expect to since she is with the Beaver.   


On to the story......

So...way back when DH had his house that he was living in and trying to sell.  I had my own house that I bought after I divorced.   (Yea for a good college education and an IT career I worked hard to develop).

The Beaver Chronicals...We should Date Edition

halo1998's picture

So.. we have established how Beaver earned her nickname.  Now let me say this..while my ex, The Village Idiot, has been mostly neutralized...Beaver is still has not.  Think The Angry beavers from the Duluth Trading Company.  She is still attempts to go at DH, the latest was just two weeks ago where she attempted to yell and harrass DH.  SD is 14...we have 4 years and counting till this coaster ride is over.


So...on to we should date....

Introduction to The Beaver Chronicals...Beaver is our HCBM's nickname

halo1998's picture they say..long time luker first time blogger.


Overview of the cast of characters.

SM of 10+ years.  Married to DH (currently dear hubby but that changes to dickhead on occassion) for 10 years, together 13 years.

Kids..we got em..

BS21 - currently a college senior will graduate in the fall. Woohoo..he was diagnosed at 7 with Aspergers (Autism Spectrum Disorder) and through much therapy and support his is a fully self functioning adult. 
