Hastings's Blog
Flunking and lazy parenting = good times
It's official. SS14 flunked math for the third quarter. The teacher texted DH a couple of weeks ago to warn him and encourage him to get SS to turn in missing assignments. That prompted DH to reach out to other teachers to ask if there was missing work, etc. Surprise, surprise, there was a long list. DH sat SS down and made him go down the list to do all of it.
Thay helped with some grades. Not with math, because SS told DH he submitted the five assignments -- which he did, but three were blank and two he only did part of it, getting 5/50 in all.
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He put what in the toilet?!?!
Good lord, if we could have one week without a problem...
To recap, last time SS14 went back to his mom's, I discovered he had taken a nearly full bag of chocolate candy I had bought. Also, a drawer to his bedside table was missing.
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The week ended, but the drama goes on
This was a loooooonnnnng week with SS14. We had winter weather that closed schools from Tuesday afternoon onward, which meant he was here in the house nonstop for days. (Hopefully DH can find something to send him to do this summer.)
He continues to sneak food up to his room, then lie about it. It's particularly annoying because if he'd just ask to have a snack, the answer would be yes. And if he'd obey the rules and show some responsibility, we would let him have food up there.
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I’ve had it
Honestly, after this week, I've about had it. (Granted, some of my frustrations stem from ongoing health issues, but still...)
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Physical lashing out, grades, lying, ad nauseum
I blogged over a month ago about SS14 getting suspended for fighting. (He didn't start it, but he escalated it.) I agree with what people have said about defending against bullying, etc., and I agree. But it doesn't sound like that's what was happening.
Yesterday, he got in-school suspension for "horseplay." DH asked him about it. A kid tripped and knocked into SS, and SS responded by shoving him so hard he fell down. SS confirmed that, yes, the kid bumped him by accident.
DH: Then why did you shove him like that?
SS: Because he bumped into me.
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Fighting and How to Deal
SS13 got in a fight at school. This happened a couple of years ago. Apparently (the principal called) a kid walked up to him in the bus line and hit him, so he hit back and teachers broke it up. Both are suspended for two days. Of course, it's our week, which means he's now home with us all day.
DH confronted him about it and SS got angry and said if someone crosses him or upsets him, he'll always fight back. He's been surly and uncommunicative.
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Sooo, maybe try saying “no”?
What is it about parents who seem scared of their kids?
As long as I've been around, it's been obvious DH and BM will twist themselves in knots to avoid telling SS13 "no." DH is better about not giving in to SS on everything, but even he avoids the no. They'll discuss trying to steer SS in a certain direction or hiding something from him so he doesn't find out about it. But they never just tell him he can't do or have something.
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Holiday break
Well, I had a nice Thanksgiving this year -- alone. It was DH's year to have SS13. Since he wasn't able to take him on a trip earlier this year, he took him on a week-long cruise. I didn't go due to work commitments and difficulties getting a dog sitter, but, honestly, I'm happy this way. I get the house to myself. And I don't have to spend a week sharing a cabin and bathroom with a surly teen boy. Win for me!
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“Sick” again — some more
Two weeks ago, SS13 went home from school Wednesday because he "threw up." Was perfectly fine on Thursday (district policy is he couldn't come back the next day). Friday morning, like clockwork, he told BM he threw up, so she kept him home again.
SS has acid reflux and has had it since he was 6. It causes him to spit up sometimes, but not outright vomiting. He also has a prescription, which he hasn't taken in months.
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Pay for grades?
So, today DH found out BM and her parents have been paying SS for grades. She pays him for As and Bs, then they double it. DH says his parents paid him for grades and said maybe we should be doing that and also paying him for any chores. (Chores consist of putting his laundry away and rinsing off dinner dishes. That's it.)
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