Hastings's Blog
Closet update
So, yesterday DH finally had a talk with SS about the closet incident. SS admitted to doing it. Said he was asleep and woke up in the closet. I guess sleep walking? I've known some people who did some pretty odd things while asleep.
Whatever. I asked DH, "so, what was his explanation for not cleaning it up?" Blanks stare. "Oh. I didn't ask that."
Good grief. I told him that whatever the reason behind the incident, SS needs to learn to own up to things and to CLEAN IT UP. Consequences. Punishment. Something. He does whatever and there's NO follow-up.
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How not to care
I care too much. I'm a "fixer." A caretaker. Just my personality. I've known on an intellectual level that as a SM, there are limits and, ultimately, I can't/shouldn't care more than the bios do. Still, it's hard to internalize that.
Truth is, I care about SS10. I want him to be a good, productive, likable person. He has a lot of potential,
But I can't make him be that way. How he's raised, the values instilled in him, those are all up to DH and BM. My annoyances and frustrations do nothing but make me look like a grumpy, wicked stepmom and create tension with DH.
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What the &$!@!? (Gross)
So, today, SS10 went back to BM's house. This evening, DH went into his room to put something away and then yelled. He found -- well -- let's just say that there was "solid" evidence that SS had used the back of his closet as a toilet at some point in the last few days.
There was a problem a couple of years ago where SS was going in the shower or in his pants. Then nothing. Then, a couple of weeks ago, the shower happened again (once -- SS was still here so DH made him clean it). Now this.
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Pool incident and SS hates me
Or that's what DH said.
Tonight, DH and SS10 get back from our neighborhood pool and DH tells me there was an incident yesterday (insists he told me yesterday but I would've remembered this one).
Apparently a group of kids were playing, throwing a football to kids as they came down the slide. One kid was a young girl with Downs Syndrome. Apparently, SS hit her hard in the Face -- twice. The girl's mom snapped at SS. DH said he nearly came unglued and wanted to rip the mom a new one for yelling at his kid (who started crying).
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When your SO gripes about his kid
DH projects a lot. He's hyper-sensitive about SS10 in a lot of ways. Not unusual. But he also, when upset, will blame me for things, accuse me of not liking SS, etc.
Well, I think a lot of that is projection and guilt.
More and more lately, DH gripes about SS. He's always done it some. DH isn't a "kid person" and, if he had to do it over, would have stayed child-free. I like and understand kids more than he does, but I'm not a big kid fan myself. A little goes a long way.
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DH got snubbed
So this is SS10's week with Disney BM. He had a baseball game last night and DH went. I usually go but did not because of work and timing. Well, after the game, DH was in a fury because SS completely snubbed him afterwards.
DH has definite anger-management issues and he's also hyper-sensitive to rejection. A snub like that would sting anyone but for him it was like a third-degree burn.
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Here’s a puppy!
So, we just moved into a great new home. Awesome yard for SS10 to play in and the previous owners left behind their trampoline (a very nice one). SS got a lot of enjoyment out of it when he was with us last week.
One of my sisters also got a new puppy last week, which SS heard about.
So guess whose mom got him a new dog this week? Keep in mind he already has two dogs and two cats at her house.
DH and I just rolled our eyes at the news. Her house, her rules - and her mess. I love animals but that sounds like a LOT to me. Two is plenty for us.
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School and BM drama goes on
SS10 is with BM this week and, big shocker, DH got texts from his gifted & talented program teacher saying SS wasn't logged on to participate. Same thing that's been happening for weeks. (Hopefully he's actually "attending" his regular classes now because he also wasn't logging in for English/social studies.) Again, DH forwarded to BM. She eventually replied he was logged on now. Told DH she didn't think it was a big deal since he was doing some sort of math games.
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It’s not the same thing!
One of the things that bothers me about SS10 (really more DH) is food and drink. SS would take good or drink up to his room and then leave the container or cup or whatever there instead of returning it when through. I try to keep my mouth shut on most things but this was one I felt the need to speak up. I don't mind stuff in his room IF he's responsible. He's demonstrated he's not. If he spills something, he leaves it. He had never brought something back to the kitchen unless told to. I have a fear of that leading to bugs or to the dogs getting something that could make them sick.
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Coddling and life lessons
I wrote earlier this week about SS10 not getting on to participate in virtual class. He's doing the work. But instead of class he was logging on for role call and then goofing off. Apparently DH realized this was a problem last week and checked on him a few times, catching him on his iPad and (a couple of times) *ahem* enjoying himself. A stern talking-to followed.
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