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Helena.Handbasket's Blog

SS13 is f-ing awesome

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Seriously. I guess when the bar is set so low by his sister, he doesn't have to do much.

Yesterday, I felt like crap. Still put on dinner but announced I was not cleaning up. Everybody was on their own. After dinner, SD16 says "are the dishes in the dishwasher clean or dirty?" I said dirty. She puts her plate in the sink. No, don't bother offering to empty the dishwasher or anything.

I went about resting and doing my own thing (nap, shower etc). Left everything dirty in the sink, left the food out.

a good day

Helena.Handbasket's picture

Got up, went to work. Left work late, did my own thing all evening. Housework for about an hour-- sd stayed in her room. Didn't see her all day. SO and SS did their guy stuff out of the house. I went to the gym while they all went to dinner. I was in bed before they all got home.

A good day.

I remember the days when I would have felt sorry for myself. Now I like having my own schedule.

its not HER fault

Helena.Handbasket's picture

Well unfortunately for me, Sd16 only has been working one day a week for the last two weeks. She hasn't been put on the work schedule at her job.

SO made mention of this. I said well, either they are really disorganized and not using their people efficiently or they don't like her and are trying to get rid of her.

Bwa hahaha! SD16 trying to talk about her classes

Helena.Handbasket's picture

for next year and college later??

I had to just stay away in the other room. I would never have been able to suppress my nonverbal reactions.

She had the nerve after the Fs and Ds last year (one semester of good grades though) to talk about how she's going to be taking harder classes like trigonometry this year. Oh and how she loves english because it comes so easy to her, but other classes she doesn't like cause they are harder. I would be embarrassed to talk about school in any form if I were her after her grades. She has no sense whatsoever.

Disengaging lesson. When SO has to deal with SD16

Helena.Handbasket's picture


SO phones me at work. Lets do xxx for dinner tonight. Me, ok sure. I'll stop at the store. Him, I'll go on my way home from picking up kids from their outing. Me, ok great. I'll help you cook when I get home. Both of us: sounds good.

Get home: me straighten kitchen, prep cookware. SO and skids home from grocery store. SD16 "Daaaaad I'll help you cook".

Me, getting the hell out of dodge. I just go to the bedroom and do some work.

SS13 has sense-- last blog today

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SD16 picks out a half shirt, SS13 says "You are going to wear a tank under that right?"

Well he has to ask because her track record on her wearing revealing clothes isn't good. Of course, she acts offended and SO takes up for her getting upset with SS.

THEN we go to the pool. I hear SS13 mumbling to SD how her bikinii top doesn't really cover her. She says she can't help it. Later in front of her, SS tells me "Helena, I actually like that swimsuit you are wearing, it fits you"

SD16/ SO interactions always inconsistent

Helena.Handbasket's picture

The weekend starts with SO NOT wanting to go pick up SD on saturday. His attitude is that she only comes here because she wants something. Which is the correct thinking. BUT then he feels guilty for thinking that and he compensates by his actions towards her while she's here.

"what honey"
"babygirl, do you want to stop and rent a movie?"


SD16 is sucking up

Helena.Handbasket's picture

And its so hard to watch SO fall for it.

SD16 got in trouble with daaaad because she was saying a lot of bad things on twitter. When you model it for her and you have no boundaries as to what you will watch with her or say in front of her WTF do you expect? What dad watches tosh.o with his daughter? One who obviously doesn't have any sense of embarrassment or modesty and doesn't teach his daughter to have either.
