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Helena.Handbasket's Blog

Maybe I have too much time on my hands...

Helena.Handbasket's picture

but I created a fake twitter acct. Trying to build up a non suspicious account so that I can follow SD16s Twitter.

She made it private after dad yelled at her -- he told her to take it down, but we all know how that goes.

Its the only way I can keep track of what she is up to so that I am not surprised by anything.

Looking back over the week of disengagment

Helena.Handbasket's picture

I can see I fudged up a little. There were a couple of times I could have been pleasant and not given myself away, but my animosity towards SD showed. Just a couple. I think that may have contributed to SO feeling nice to her even though he too was frustrated with her. Nothing big, just small snippy responses to her nonsense.

Example: "where should I put these seeds" she had a glass full of sunflower seed shells from the day before. Gross. They were stuck to the glass.

DaizyDuke-- You see I still deal with it too

Helena.Handbasket's picture

After father's day and her nonsense all this week of doing nothing and bothering so to do things for her, what happens? He complains about it, see's her for what she is then as he is taking her back to BM tonight...

"Let daddy know about your work schedule next week. I'll take off one day pick you up and taking you shopping for your summer clothes"

Yeah, I watch it all the time.

Tonight I made mention that he and I need a date night soon (skids have been here for a long stretch now). He says "yeah we do. It is different though when its just me you and SS13"

Disengaging from SD16 only. Not SS13.

Helena.Handbasket's picture

I've taken a lot of my blogs down as AA, so I figured I would post my experiences and what I do when I disengage.

SD16 has been working, but then she has small stretches of days that she stays at our house. If you are interested in her antics on father's day you can look at my last blog.

Was that a bitter pill to swallow there, BM?

Helena.Handbasket's picture

A few weeks ago I blogged that BM saw my new kitchen because she took advantage of no one being home and SD16 let her in to pee (yeah whatever).

Well... SS13 reports to us last night that BM and stepdad were making comments about "not everyone can afford xyz, like your dad and helena" and "they are like the rich that the government looks out for while those of us who struggle can't afford things"

Laying the groundwork

Helena.Handbasket's picture

SD is 16. She will "graduate" (we'll see) in two more years. I have already been laying the groundwork for what we will do with her room when she -how do I put to to SO- "goes off to college or whatever she decides to do"

Oh the baby will be in this room or we will. We currently have a 4 bedroom. I've even talked him in to painting neutral colors in her room for when "we do something else with it and she's moved out".

She's only here part time anyway. She's lucky she had her own room at all, with her ugly paint colors.
