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herewegoagain's Blog

OT-kind of...our kids learn from our behavior-if you have bios, do not allow SKIDS to treat you like CRAP

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There's not a single person here that wants THEIR children to ever be treated by possible future SKIDS the same way THEY are treated by their current SKIDS...I know NONE of us even want that for other women who are not even related to us...much less our kids.

OT-Before you diagnose yourself with depression...QUOTE for everyone should make your day

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A friend posted this on FB yesterday and it made my day...I hope it makes yours too!

"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by a$$holes."
-William Gibson

I have to say, I couldn't agree more!

OT-friend MIL already waiting for new DIL to treat HER grandbaby's good...and my advice... lol

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Just for laughs...My mom's friend comes over and starts talking about her son has a new GF, blah, blah, blah...Her son has two kids who I have to say are the most anti-social kids I have ever met! My son is super sweet to everyone and they treat him like crap. I don't think I have EVER seen them smile...they are around 10. Anyway, she immediately starts talking about her son's new GF and says "well, the REAL test of wether I like her or not will be in how SHE treats his kids"...

OT-funny joke about ex's to bring a smile to your face

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I read this today in our "weekly therapy session" that my DH and I have reading relationship articles & then a joke...I thought it was perfect and brought a smile to my face...I hope it does the same for you...

Guys who talk about their ex-girlfriend(wife) are like girls who talk about their farts.

}:) :sick: :sick: }:) :sick: }:) :sick: }:) }:) :sick: }:) :sick: }:) }:)

In regards to "would you let BM be at your DHs funeral"...oh DHs response

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So the other day someone here asked "would you let BM attend the funeral, etc. if your DH passed and the kids wanted her there for support"...My DH saw me reading and asked what I was is our conversation...

The BOSS of the house...another member's post made me think

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It is widely accepted in society today that "if mamma ain't happy, nobody is happy." It is widely accepted that "mom's make the rules and run the home". However, we all know what happens what happens when you marry someone with kids. I think that is yet ANOTHER reason we have so many problems.

OT-sigh...a new job? maybe or maybe not?

herewegoagain's picture

I can't sleep. For the last few years our finances have taken a nose dive thanks too crazy witch, loser skid and at the end, my son being diagnosed with autism and all the medical bills. I thought I had a job lined up, they were ready to hire me (my old job) and that would put us afloat...sigh...Literally some weeks we only have 20USD to eat...But I just received a note that everything had been cancelled...sigh...I hope it's an error. If it's not, this will not be good.

OT-Big Easy Brides ex-wife

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I just had to share because it made me smile...Watched this show for the first time the other day and in one part the groom was telling the wedding coordinator how his wife was threatening to show up at the wedding and cause a mess...The coordinators response? Give me her number now! LOL She called the ex and told her that NOBODY would be messing up a wedding she planned! lol It made me smile...Glad at least this couple, although strange lol didn't have to worry about the crazy ex-wife ruining their day... lol
