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herewegoagain's Blog

Idiot told me it's over... (long, I'm sorry...)

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he doesn't want to try anymore...

I don't know what to think! In a way I am so angry and upset, in another I wonder if this is my chance to be happy.

He's tired of me being in a bad mood all the time. I just have to wonder what the hell he expects of someone who has been through so much because of him. For the second time, the ahole told me that he made a promise to not leave me when I got pregnant and that is the reason he has stayed. Actually he said he made a promise to HIS SON! But then says he loves me more than anything and adores me, but can't continue. Really?

I should be happy...even though

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1. After working for 19yrs, my 401k is all gone
2. My stocks & savings aré all gone
3. My perfect crédit of 25yrs was messed up by your ex & you
4. Your daughter is 16 and 4yrs away from graduating
5. After being an independent woman w/no debt for 25yrs, now I owe everyone
6. After being independent, I now have no car thus spend 72-96 hrs straight w/out leaving my apt complex & seeing a road!
7. Although most months I can't afford moré than ice cream once a week, because we have no money

losing our santiy...

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Is it really worth it? I no longer think so. Anyone who says "well, just ignore'll get better" Obviously has not dealt with the crap I have put up with. I talked to my 9yr old today and just mentioned about going back to Texas (he always wants to go back) and he just started crying...because his dad wouldn't go...AHOLE DH of course can't move anywhere for fear he'll lose his job and end up in jail we have sacrificed and sacrificed so that he can have a freaking family...meanwhile, we sacrifice and I've lost myself. I've lost all my savings. I've lost it all.

So, really...God and this step-mess!

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So I've been thinking...if there truly is a God, why does he allow CP witches to drain our families' finances & souls? It's like the CP can continúe their life, but anyone who marries an NCP father is thrown to the coals. I mean, if DH had cheated on the witch with me, I would understand the Karma...but hell! He didn't know me! She remarried 3 days after their divorce! She hides her husband so he doesn't have to pay cs! I never did that! Our son and our family aré the only ones to sacrifice...I am sick of the sacrifice, while that poor excuse for a mother lives off of us!

OT-loving ourselves, taking care of US!

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I remember the years I was consumed with crazy witch...the time I spent thinking I was too skinny and then I was too fat...the stress of child support, the preggo 16yr old...

And then I got sick...very sick...I caught MRSA...I was in the hospital and almost lost my took a couple of months to get back to normal. Then, around Christmas the MRSA reared it's ugly head again...after some antibiotics I developed a life threatening allergic reaction...I am still getting medical care...
