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Jcksjj's Blog

Feeling down

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It's been so nice having SD here only one or 2 weekends a month for the last few months. But in 2.5 weeks it's back to every other week. And I'm sad about that. 

Next summer when things are opened back up I'm looking for summer camps for her. She can get all the attention she needs from other people and I don't have to drag her with to things. 


Omfg, what next?

Jcksjj's picture

So in today's version of how much drama can SD cause in only being here 2 days out of the last month - she's been searching inappropriate things on YouTube. Things that I have no clue why a nearly 9 year old would be searching and highly inappropriate. Luckily, there was parental controls on so the searches didnt yield much, but still. This kid is only in 3rd grade and fits the checklist for a teen with histrionic PD to a T. 

Skid is embarassing

Jcksjj's picture

So we moved into a new house last summer. Just recently started having neighbors move in.

Skid is here one weekend and we're probably already known as the house with that kid. I've never met a kid that begs for attention the degree she does. Literally never. I can think of girl I went to school with that had some similar behaviors, but not to this extent. 

Wow how things have changed.

Jcksjj's picture

I almost died of shock last night. DH, who used to think the entire world revolved around SD (not just his, but everyone's), suggested we go visit his very ill grandpa without SD. Said it would be safer since he is obviously elderly and high risk for covid and she has mostly been with BM (and therefore we have no idea about exposure).

Schools next fall

Jcksjj's picture

Our school district hasn't made any announcements, but I've seen rumors that some states have already decided that next fall will be partial distance learning at least still? Just curious if anyone on here has had their kids/skids school already make that call?

Who's the liar?

Jcksjj's picture

So SD was supposed to be in her room so the babies could nap since she wouldn't be quiet. DH told her to go in her room before leaving to go to the store (supposedly). I went downstairs and she was back out. I asked her if DH had told her she was supposed to be in her room. She said no. I called DH and asked if that was true and he said he had told her to take the dog in her room. SD told me that he did not say one single word to her and I recorded her saying this. I told DH this and he went ballistic. 

I cant stand the kid

Jcksjj's picture

SD doing every other weekend has been wonderful. The downside: when she is here it's even worse in comparison. I honestly completely regret as this point not going with my gut feeling and waiting for a guy without kids. I seriously just cant stand her. Everyone else I know with stepkids as formed some bond as some point, but I've never been able to with her. And it's not just DHs parenting (not that that doesn't help), it's her personality. That's not going to change.

"I dont remember that"

Jcksjj's picture

This was probably like a month ago, but a comment I just read reminded me of it. DH and I were talking and it got brought up why I hate/am uncomfortable going places in public with SD - especially restaurants where there's nothing to do but sit there. The last time I went out to eat with SD was her bday last summer. There was quite a few annoying things that I blogged about regarding, but one was how weird/inappropriately suggestive SD was acting toward DH to try to keep the attention on her. Acting just like BM does with her guy "friends" basically.

"I'm the one who decided to have her"

Jcksjj's picture

I didnt blog much for a month as I was enjoying my time away from SD. So now its blog hog time. Her being gone for so long and then coming back brought up a lot of emotions. I kind of let DH have it last night regarding the whole situation of SD, me feeling like the scapegoat, etc. I told him flat out all cares about is looking like the good guy, but passing his burden onto his wife so he can maintain 50/50 and avoid child support doesn't make him look like a good guy.
