Last-Wife's Blog
Hell Breaks Loose- Part 2
When I questioned DH what happened tonight, he said if I was so damn unhappy I should take our son and move out this summer.
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Well that's just great... Hell breaks lose
Just about an hour ago, I was looking at ST, thinking how great it was I had no real news for the group. Damn, I cursed myself...
About 30 minutes after I had that thought, SS14 comes in and asks me for the "damn phone." I told him he couldn't have the phone if he was gonna talk to me like that. He grabs it off the night stand before I can stop him. I hear him in the living room screaming at someone (I realize later it's DH) that he was gonna effin beat up his brother, SS15. Then he slams out of the house, but I can still hear him screaming into the phone.
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Oh, yeah... the letter
BM makes this big deal about coming to SS15 ball game tonight, right? She gives him a letter before the game that tells him she's not coming for any more games, or giving him anything- presents, money, items for school- anything until he can learn to grow up and make an effort to be nice to her and call and visit...
Not that I see that's really motivation for him to visit her... The dang Xbox that causes fights in our house is her's. If she really wants him to visit her, she should have insisted on taking that back...
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BM doesn't get it... who's the "real" mother?
DH told her not to contact me again. She came to town for SS15 ballgame tonight. She brought SD17 back home after only watching like half a game... (She made this big deal about watching him play, and then didn't even stay...) She came in with SD to try on some clothes they bought before the game. (Yes- we let BM in the house. I'll post about that another time...)
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Another step in the right direction...
DH stood up to BM today and told her not to call ME again. Yea, honey!
I debated last week if I should send BM a sympathy card cause I had finally disengaged from her, but felt bad her grandfather died. I had kids give her the card when she picked up SS14 on Friday. I guess she thought that opened the lines of communication again, because she called 4 times over the weekend; which I ignored each one.
She called last night about SS15 ballgame tonight. I sent text and told her to call DH- I was not involved in plans.
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It's a start...
BM needed DH to meet her half way tonight to get SS14. As tired as he was from working in the woods all day, he agreed.
He knew I was tired of being on the back burner. He came to me, and conceded it wasn't much of date, but asked if BS8 and I wanted to ride along with him to get SS and have dinner while we were out.
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What more can I do?- long
On January 1, my DH and I had a LONG talk about some issues in our marriage, related to his kids. It's a month later, and nothing has changed.
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Slightly OT- suggestions for "happiness"
At therapy yesterday, my therapist assigned me to do one thing a day for the next month that would be about ME and make ME happy.
Well, hell! I haven't thought about myself in so long, I'm at a loss. I can't think of anything!
If given that "assignment," what would you do?
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So proud of myself!
BM and her hubby came to get one of the skids tonight. I stuck to my disengagement plan from her and her drama, and "hid" in the bathroom the whole time she was here! I now have a lovely new pedicure, and sculpted eyebrows!
SS14 was going for the weekend. She was irritated SD17 had to work, and she hasn't seen SS15 since Christmas, so she and her hubby came in for a bit to sit with the other two kids and catch up with them about school and stuff.
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She's the only daughter I'll ever have...
SD17 and I were always very close- until she turned 15. Since then, we've had some real run-ins. Last week, she cut me to the bone when she told me I just wasn't a part of her life anymore. I was very sad to discover this afternoon that she and her boyfriend of over a year and a half broke up last night, and she didn't even bother to talk to me about it. I found out when I checked my voicemail after work, and there was a message from the boy's mother. She was worried about both of the children and their reactions to the break-ups. The boy's mom knew all the details.
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