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lieutenant_dad's Blog

YSS THANKED ME...And other Spring Break musings...

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That's right, folks! YSS, who used to fight EVERYTHING I or DH made him eat, THANKED ME for a meal! He actually said thank you and showed appreciation for making him a separate meat because he didn't like the one I made for everyone else (in all fairness, it was a tray of Oncor Salisbury steak, so it's not like I put a lot of effort into it).

AND he didn't fight me when I told him he needed to pick a fruit and vegetable to eat with dinner!


OT - Why now DH?!

lieutenant_dad's picture

My family has a history of "functional" mental health issues, as I like to call them. Mainly, it's depression, anxiety, and mood swings. My mother and sister are both medicated, but I can generally keep everything controlled through relaxation, exercise, writing, etc.

BM isn't working...AGAIN...

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*insert string of expletives here*

BM is having pain, so she is currently off work and seeking short-term disability while they figure out what is wrong, if anything. I say "if anything" because BM has a history of being sick, hurt, in pain, etc. My understanding is that she has arthritis and fibro, but she is apparently fine enough to go out and do FUN things on the regular.

OT - BMs Say the Darnedest (Delusional) Things

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Alright, let's have a little fun as we adjust to the site cha-cha-cha-CHANGES!

What delusional things have your BMs said that they totally believe to be true (or at least want other people to believe are true)?

Some recent postings from BM in my life on social media include:

- Stating that she doesn't need money from a man (says the woman who has constantly had her hand out to DH for anything, and who never worked while they were married)

Husband is Back, Stalker BF, and Belly Aches

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(I tried paragraphs, but it was a no go.)  Just when you think the crazy train is slowing down, you realize the crew was just getting more coal.


The last time BM dropped off the kids, she was wearing her wedding rings. Hmm, interesting since she hasn't said a single nice word about her DH/STBXH and he had filed for divorce - they even had a court date. Apparently GBM was getting on BM's nerves, so she moved STBXH back in to babysit while she works. I guess that makes her a dual income house now?


Update on Mental Health Eval for YSS

lieutenant_dad's picture

It went about how I expected.

The school's behavioral health therapist doesn't think YSS has autism or ADD. What they DID discover is that he was angry, felt like everyone compared him to OSS, and was "overwhelmed" by school work.

I agree on the anger part. That's nothing new, and DH has a pretty intense temper, so he has tried working with YSS in the past on staying calm.

OT: Colonoscopy prep is the WORST!

lieutenant_dad's picture

I am soooo glad I decided on a non-kid weekend for prep because OMG.

The taste of the solution? Awful. It's salty and thick. Yes, like that, but cold.

I'm starving. I have a headache because I'm starving. And I still have 3/4 of the jug to go.

For those who are thinking "aren't you a bit young for that?", you're correct. I have had issues for years with my stomach, so they are FINALLY doing tests to find out why. More than likely, it will just reconfirm my IBS diagnosis.

Ugh...this is AWFUL!

OT - Signing Over Vehicles with XH

lieutenant_dad's picture

My XH and I are still on the titles of each other's vehicles. We bought mine with a very long loan period weeks before I moved out and asked for a divorce. He owed too little on his to refinance when I left, and my credit was shot after the divorce for a bit so I couldn't refinance mine. By the time I could, I owed too little on it for anyone to let me take out a loan that wouldn't double my interest rate.
