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lieutenant_dad's Blog

Really Hating that DH Knocked Up BM

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I mean, not recently. The story isn't THAT interesting.

The whole stepparenting thing has just gotten on my nerves recently. Usually, I'm indifferent. Blended families are the norm in my life, and DH and I have been together for several years now, so it's not like anything is new.

I am just having some serious feelings of hatred and annoyance that DH had to knock up BM specifically. That he had to be a moron and knock her up in high school. That he just HAD to marry her per his own moral code. That he stayed as long as he did. Etc, etc, etc.

School Testing YSS for Mental Health Issues

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I need some perspective or resources for DH and I.

YSS has had trouble in school this year. He hasn't been turning in homework, but my understanding is that he is still doing well on tests and in-class assignments. This downturn in work has caused him to be kicked out of band, and he's at risk of being pulled out of the accelerated program. When you ask him why he doesn't turn in the work, he says he misplaces it, forgets it, or that he doesn't know.

BM is changing her last name back to DH's...

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For the kids, of course.

Her and STBXH are actually getting divorced. They actually have a court date. I'm actually surprised.

What I didn't expect was for BM to change her name, though I wouldn't blame her for wanting to. However, I figured she would change it back to her maiden name.

Nope. She's changing it back to DH's so that the school doesn't get the kids confused. I guess they have been calling the boys by STBXH's last name since it's her last name, and they hate it. So she wants to match her kids.

Festivus for the Rest of Us - Air Your Grievances

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So it's a few days late, but since most of us have made it through the holidays (thus far), I thought I'd open up a general venting blog for those who wish share their frustrations with the holidays but don't want a full blog post.

My main grievance: YSS was a bit of an ungrateful brat on Christmas after he got his gifts. Up to the gift-giving point, he was polite and helpful. We even had a bonding conversation regarding school work.

Your Marriage May Be Over, And That's Okay

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Folks, maybe it's just holiday stress, but I have seen several blogs and forum posts from SPs who are throwing all they have into marriages where they aren't an equal partner, then are asking what more they can do.

To you SPs, let me say this:

Your marriage may be over, and that's okay.

I don't mean to be cold hearted or tell people to jump when things are salvageable. However, when you are:

- Being belittled by your spouse, or their kids and they don't do anything

OT - Are You an Annoying Step Kid?

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Another post got me thinking about this. For those of you who are a step kid yourself, have you found yourself doing (or, in the past, have done) things that we all consider no-no's?

I know I have committed some step kid sins, including:

- Using my Dad as an ATM when I was a teenager and refusing visitation because I was a bratty teen

- Using my SF as a scapegoat when I was a teen

- Relaying information about my parents' separate households to the other paren (I still sometimes do this, but am trying to stop)

OT: Got myself a personal trainer...

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I'm committed (at least financially) to a personal trainer for the next year.

I'm tired of being flabby. I'm tired of some of the health issues coming from my poor eating and lack of activity. And, overall, I'm just tired.

Had my first session yesterday. Arms and shoulders are getting more sore by the nanosecond. I discovered how grossly out of shape I was after struggling with girl push-ups.

Any advice? Words of encouragement? Sibling-in-arms who is right there with me? I'm paying a small fortune for the privilege to have someone else kick my rear end.

BM kicked out her DH AGAIN

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This will be the fourth (maybe fifth) time she has done this in less than four years.

The boys are with us this week for fall break (first time she has EVER given DH a week's worth of custody - ever). They don't seem to care despite BM having raised them both to refer to him as "Daddy".

I'm wondering how long this will last. Last time was a few months over the summer. Time before that was about a month. I forget the other times, honestly.

There is just never a dull moment!
