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Lillywy00's Blog

Delusional Bioparents

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So yesterday this dude REALLY pissed me off during an argument and tossed out the phrase "you might as well move out"

I suppose he was saying it hypothetically but how I heard it sounded serious and fast tracked my move out plans, and booked a storage unit and started packing. 

He saw me packing and tried to convince me to stay. (Not going to)

PowerSulk - Party of 1

Lillywy00's picture

So rember the trip I planned to drop my daughter off in the dorms to visit a college.

My dumb ass told dude I was not only traveling but dropping her off in the dorms.

So he took it upon himself to invite himself (when he realized I'd be alone vs hunkered down with kid in tow). 

Then when he realized I wasn't planning with him, he started asking if I wanted him to go then acted a fool when I said I wanted some time to travel alone. 

Creepy Bioparents Committing Emotional Incest

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....aka mini-spouse syndrome

So yesterday, I notice the mini-spouse wearing dudes apple watch AND demanding the password

Then, today, I walk into 'my' bedroom and I see this clingy dude and his equally clingy mini-spouse sitting on the bed hugged up arm in arm. 

What a bunch of creeps!!!

Anyways here are some examples of how maladjusted bioparents use their kids as emotional support lap dogs:



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So remember in my last blog I said next weekend I was going to drop my kid off at college prep camp

and I'd have a kid-free plus dude-free weekend

Please tell me why, when I tried to give this dude the courtesy of informing him, HE FUCKING INVITED HIMSELF ALONG?!?



Im gonna have a 15 day period and get a room with double beds. 

Domestic T3rrorists Have Arrived......

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*Le sigh*

I'm fresh out of melatonin (I would have taken quadruple the dosage to knock myself before they arrived so I could be in denial that they're here and this is currently the state of my life every lovely Friday eve) 

I know it's probably going to be an uphil battle getting them to clean after themselves so rather than power struggle with their militant-to-me yet bend-over-backward-to-those-skids Disneyland dad, I plan to book myself solid ALL day Saturday and Sunday and avoid all of them as much as possible.

Anyone want to trade homes for the weekend LOL?

Competitive StepKids Trying To Stake Their Claim......

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*I guess I'm writing these posts to eliminate guilt and remind myself why I'm proceeding with the exit plans

So one major thing that pisses me off about this dudes kids is how (probably at the orders of their c*nt mother or hell maybe at the mercy of their weak boundaried father) they think it's appropriate to have their artifacts and other items sprawled all over this house.

Powering Through While Pretending.....The GTFO Checklist

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"When people show you who they are.....believe them"

Today I plan to

  • turn off my location, procure/put some items in storage
  • Post some stuff on marketplace and ebay
  • procure a new therapist
  • make a spreadsheet of all MY items
  • cancel/change my passwords on shared accounts (amazon, walmart, grocery apps, etc)
  • pretend like nothing is going on before he returns from work

Guilt-Riddled Disneyland Dad......UGHHH!!!

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***Sorry so long***

So just when I start to feel sadness, confusion, and maybe my own guilt (about quietly quitting/leaving this relationship).... this dude goes into full on GRDD and then all those feelings disappear into anger, annoyance, and the thought of "I'm glad I'm going to leaving this sh*tshow very soon"

So the power goes out all over the city. HCBM and our power is out. 
